The Perfect Adjustment
Life is full of adjustments, so why leave out airports? This is one such place where you learn the art of adjusting to time variations, adjusting to the not so comfortable seats or fussy people around, and of course, frequent delays of flights. Let’s not forget minute aspects like weather and your travel itineraries. With these and more, you might also need to adjust with your savings (just if you need to pay a hefty fine!). These women didn’t know adjustments would be coming, and they had to abide likewise.
Airports and awkward moments know no end. This woman is doing her duty so that she makes good earnings for herself and her family. But the girl who’s checked seems to be unfazed by this. We understand airport authorities basically do their roles, but it's amazing that the woman doesn’t raise any concern about the fact she’s touched at inappropriate places and that too in public. So let’s conclude she’s didn't notice the camera. We guess no one told her she’s getting filmed!
Meet the Parents
These grown-up kids call themselves "orphans," but they seem to be brothers and sisters who meet their parents after a gap! They look cute with their lopsided grins and their upturned lips, not afraid to own up to the world that grown-up they may be, but as far as missing their parents are concerned, they are still like kids. Their parents will love to land at the airport with a welcome like this. The pink hair girl stands out and adds the right amount of sass to the photo!
Secret Summer Shenanigans
Err proud she maybe? But is there any necessity to stand on the podium, okay, in a crowded airport to announce the same? We, don't know what the girl would feel like when she lands at the airport. And she is greeted with a sign like that? Embarrassment will take on a whole new meaning when she may have told a different story to her co-passenger of why she took that extra-long vacation in the first place. We can quite imagine the sister's face turning a beetroot red. So much for sibling love! No chances of missing that sign either, because that poster is screaming for attention.
Sorry Not Sorry
Messages like that greeting you as you step down a flight may seem nice to some people. However, it might not go down too well with a few, especially if they are returning after a long flight. Maybe this lady is calling her friend by some hidden name, their secret description. We are sure her friend means well and uses it as a joke to greet her friend or acquaintance. Appropriate or not, the fact that the girl showed up, at the airport to receive her, counts right? You bet it does.
Welcome Back, Mommy! We Missed You
Moms deserve a break, as they are burdened with many responsibilities. So they do deserve vacations. Moms may need a break from these responsibilities, and they may still miss their kids like crazy. We bet they love to get back from their vacation and hug tight their little monsters. These kids decided to give their meeting with mom a fun twist and greet her with this placard. They say how much they missed their mommy while also telling how their dad missed out on his laundry responsibilities. One point extra to the kids for the extra dose of humor.
Grownup Babies Day Out!
While parents love to meet their kids at the airport, things change when they grow up into adults. However, this grown man arrives at the airport in his nightwear and puts up a placard telling their soon-to-arrive parents how much he misses them. Besides that, he also warns his mom that she needs to make arrangements for breakfast. Well, we quite get the kiddie vibe in that penguin onesie, but a bearded man in an onesie makes for a very strange combination. We wonder what the parents must be thinking.
Say Hello to Baby Harper!
Aww, this one has to be the cutest airport message ever. The mother is surprising the newbie dad with a bright pink placard to introducing to the newborn daughter. The father was away catering to his military duties and did not have the opportunity to meet up with the daughter. So, this is what will greet him as soon as he lands at the airport. Such a cute little welcome message for the dad, which will certainly make his day! We can't wait to see the reunion of this adorable family.
A Friends Fan for Life
The best welcome placards are those where friends meet friends, with in-house jokes, and the ones that outsiders have no clue about. Well, you will get this joke, if you are an avid fan of Friends. Throwback to the episode, when Phoebe, one of the characters changed her name to "Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock." This Friends follower has taken over this name, as he welcomes his friend from her vacation giving his own spin on this joke. Well, is her friend holding on to the 'Crap Bag?' Ah! we can't wait to find out.
Cute but Cheeky
Whenever someone goes away to travel, leaving the house behind, the one person, or should we say, the one four-legged dog left behind at home. And they will miss the lady of the house the most! And because the dog is missing her so much, the dog bites and chews her entire couch! Oh no! Well, her partner found a different way of breaking the news, sprinkling a liberal dose of humor on the placard. Well, the mistress of the house may not find it too humorous, though, still that message may help her manage a rueful grin!
Oh No, Dad Not Again!
Dads may not be too mindful of how his daughter may feel if he turns out in weird get-ups. But this takes it to another level. He dons the get-up of Darth Vader to receive his daughter, Rebecca, at the airport. It looks like daddy dearest is a big fan of The Empire Strikes Back and mimicking the exact words as Darth Vader to reveal his real identity to Luke Skywalker. Well, we understand it is an iconic moment in movie history, but recreating the same in a public place like an airport is taking it a bit too far.
Mom are you Proud of Us
A welcoming sign like that is what you may want to see when you are coming home after a while. A warm and inviting home can make you feel oh-so-good. We don't quite get why the emphasis is on the word we. Maybe her kids want to focus on it to show, that they have accomplished what she never thought they would. Well, the mom may be deliriously happy to see her kids pulling off the unthinkable. Also, with a huge placard like that, she may have no difficulty whatsoever in spotting them.
Search for My Sugardaddy?
This may make you do a facepalm at first and think it to be cringe-ey at best! The girl welcomes her older beau with the sign that she is running out of money. Can the sugar daddy please help her? The 'sugar daddy' does not seem to mind, though, and smiles amiably at the camera and allows a stranger to take the photo with the embarrassing placard. She even went the whole hog, of inserting his photo in a suit in the banner! Cute and weird, we say! What do you think?
I Don't Know You
This man may be well-meaning, but who receives his brother-in-law with a message like that? It is on an A4 sheet that may make the message a little less conspicuous and less embarrassing for the soon-to-land brother-in-law. We don't know about the bond these two share, but being a butt of a joke, right before the whole world may not be easy to endure. The whole airport may be laughing at the poor brother-in-law's expense. Well, we don't know whether the man will own up to the fact that he is the 'smiling assassins.' bro-in-law!
Love is All That Matters
This little girl can't contain her excitement at her mother's arrival, and so she writes an adorable message for her mother, without expressing it in language. Well, it may be illegible, but it expresses love, so although she may not be able to write yet. She tries her best to express her love with her little knowledge and understanding. We can't find out exactly what she wants to convey, but we are sure the message reaches her mother. We are sure her mother is over the moon with happiness to see her little girl, after a hiatus.
Are You Actually Back? Like Really!
Well, this woman may have been out somewhere for an adventure trip, so her beau expresses his surprise and excitement, at her returning unscathed. However, the message comes across as sarcastic the woman quite gets it and expresses her surprise and pleasure at spotting her beau. Well, there may be some in-house joke that we know nothing about. Well, as long as the couple is on the same page, who are we to complain? Maybe the beau had been teasing her about her adventurous journey and that she may not survive on her own.
Why So Sweet?
This sign maybe for someone who has been away for quite some time and, the house inmate is mock-warning her not to go away again. It may even be someone who she has bailed out of jail. Well, we are second-guessing because she is revealing nothing with her expression. Well, she can express her joy, with her, bright and pink placard. She hits home with her message, and we hope the person is also back for good and does not have to go away again for work or other reasons.
Christmas is Never the Same Without You
This couple created an adorable poster inserting the images of their near and dear ones who may be dropping at their home for Christmas. Those mugshots are a nice touch. They wanted to welcome their guests on a cheeky and fun note! The guests are wanted for their presence in their home and not for committing any petty crime. Well, this is one of the best posters to usher in happy holidays, and with that a houseful of guests that add to the spirit, and fun quotient of Christmas, it's a win-win.
Hey Sis, Please Go Back!
Well, this message may be from a little brother to her sister. The sister may have been away to her college to pursue higher education. However, the little brother isn't too happy to see her sister go, and hence that message. So, the little brother is up to his usual naughty antics, and instead of welcoming the big sister, he says she can go back to her college and not come back, even adding that 'hate' word to rile up the older sibling even more. The poor sister may find herself at the receiving end at the airport.
Tom, A Message For You!
At the onset, we were really stoked to see a romantic message at the airport. But once we dig deeper, we see the not so romantic gesture of the man, who looks cheeky at best in his flip-flops, shorts, and a cute grin in place. Okay by the looks of it, this guy with the placard is playing a prank on the friend, Tom. We hope we have got it right, or maybe he is conveying an underlying message to his friend Tom. Well, his goofy demeanor is certainly signifying something fishy!
A Grand Welcome For You!
Now, who would want to step down from a flight, and stare back at a giant cutout of you! Well, certainly not us, especially after a long and tiring flight. The flight may make your skin dry as you are sleep-deprived and step down the flight, looking not the best version of yourself. Fortunately, no one will notice, Mokie's face as most of the people in the airport will stand gawking at the cut-out Mokie! We don't think they have selected the best photo of the poor guy though.
Sarah's Poop Saga
This man may be well-meaning, but who receives his brother-in-law with a message like that? It is on an A4 sheet that may make the message a little less conspicuous and less embarrassing for the soon-to-land brother-in-law. We don't know about the bond this two share, but being a butt of a joke, right before the whole world may not be easy to endure. The whole airport may be laughing at the poor brother-in-law's expense. Well, we don't know whether the man will own up to the fact that he is the 'smiling assassins.' bro-in-law!
Cute, Cuter, Cutest!
This guy can make a career out of writing cute greeting cards. For example, this is such a cute message for someone who is landing at the airport after a long flight. After reading such a lovable greeting, that person may feel his/her tiredness vanish in an instant! Well, this guy has his heart in the right place and the intention, unlike a few others we have seen, who loves to embarrass people rather than making them comfortable. And we can't miss that 'u' in that cute! Honestly, how adorable can he get?
Romance At Its Peak
All husbands, take a leaf out of this romantic husband's book. This guy cannot, wait for his wife to come home to him. He's ready with his mini bar, a drink in his hand, and a flower for his wife! Officially he is this season's cute alert! He is also as funny as he is romantic, case in point that message on the poster. We can't miss his oh-so-adorable smile. That smile says it all! Honestly, we are swooning over his lovely gesture already, well, aren't you?
Wifey! I Am Still There For You
Some husbands/partners will go the extra mile to embarrass their better half. This man is one of the guys who continue to tease his wife Anna over her mysterious lover. And she may run away with him anytime soon. Now, teasing the wife in private is a different ball game altogether. But he was declaring it among thousands with a placard. It may not prove to be quite the best thing to do. Whatever may be his idea of a joke, he is there for his wife to pick her up. The wife may be wondering whether to laugh or cry about it.
From My Clan to Yours
Some families are so close that they may consider themselves as famous clans. Families like the Mc Gregor clan here, won't ever allow a family member to go from an airport to their homes in taxis. Mc Gregors don't do that. They land up there at the airport, no matter what, to get an Mc Gregor clan member right to their home. The other passers-by may wonder about the clan. However, this guy doesn't care two hoots of what the others are thinking! He is grinning and staring at the camera with confidence.
When Pet names are Anything But Cute
Pet names may sound cute, but they are also a bit too cheesy. Most of the pet names, you get to hear, may make you cringe. And they are not only a cliché, but also they are too embarrassing for words. This couple has not gone down the regular route and has chosen something completely different. Hot gravy! It sounds weird, but it may not be for the couple. And what's more, it may even be easier for the couple to find each other in a crowded airport. Well, there is an advantage of having 'different' pet names, after all.
The Moment Has Finally Come
If you know someone from military service, you will know, how it may tear you up at the thought of leaving your loved ones to wage a greater battle. It is challenging for one of the couples who is left behind. She counts the days before they are reunited again. This woman can't hold her excitement at the thought of her meeting her beau after a long time. Well, her excitement is palpable, and with a placard like that, we know her man will find her in no time!
The Excited Guy
Well, this placard may seem original, but little else. His excitement knows no bound at the prospect of meeting his friends Taylor and Steven after what seems like a long time. The joke, though, falls flat on its face, since he depicts it wrong! But with his face insert, we hope Taylor and Stevens find it hilarious and acknowledges the guy's presence of mind and effort, so what if the message misses the mark by a mile. Let's hope instead of avoiding the guy for his goof up. They give him a tight hug!
Looking for the Two Hottest Guys
Now, only if everyone came up with a funny and witty placard like that all the time? The girl is labeling the soon to arrive guys as the hottest guys around. We bet the guests will be pleased as punch to see that sassy message! Who wouldn't? But things will get extra interesting if some other guy or guys comes up identifying themselves as the hottest guys in the airport! That will be a hoot! The girl is having a whole lot of fun, though, enjoying the joke thoroughly. This placard is a winner for us.
Caught and Bowled
Talk of taking revenge without wasting any time! Imagine getting to know the partner's infidelity! But also imagine letting the person know, and the entire world knows about their shady shenanigans. This placard is of someone seething with anger and does not want to waste a single minute of what they think of the other person! It's a savage repartee, and we are sure the person at the receiving end will recover anytime soon! The cons of leaving your phone behind! Also, when you do something wrong, sooner or later, you will get caught.
This is quite funny, and we’ll list the reasons why. First thing, it took us some time to decipher what the sign means. Second, the person who was getting off the plane was referred to as an ‘idiot’ by his girl! But what gave the laughs was the girl holding that ‘idiot’ sign. We aren't sure if it’s deliberate or accidental, but figuring out the idiot shouldn’t be a difficult task. In case, she has lost her sanity, it can be possible her personal loans have given her a tough time!
The True Playmate
Online is the place to be, at least these days. But some friends make an effort to meet their pals in real life. So while playing the World of Warcraft, this guy became friends with his playmate. And look at him now! Just to let his companion know and recognize him outside the game, he’s made this with so much effort. And those symbols of the game would make things easy to identify. Perhaps his friend is someone who’s old and embraced retirement? How would he understand? Hence, this!
The Jordan Fan
Celebrities and their fan following are nothing unknown to airport authorities. As if stalking them on social media isn’t enough, the lengths to which they can go to catch one glimpse of their idols are amazing! This man is old, and we feel sad looking at his hopeful face while carrying that sign of ‘Michael Jordan.’ We pray Jordan doesn’t make the mistake of thinking he’s the driver. To an extent, we feel he should have gone big with the decking up, but that’s alright. The celebrity might decide not to focus on earnings but simplicity this time.
Welcome Back To The Battlefield
So what if the man has served in the army for years; the work never ceases to end. Imagine his situation when even before he enters the home, his wife’s sign will make him cringe. Or maybe that’s a way to return the favor? We can truly figure out how effectively she has mastered the military terms. Catching up on loads of things lies in the cans, we are certain. But once he comes back, he’ll also have to take care of other chores like home affairs, health insurance, and so on.
The Native Of Loompaland
This can probably make you green with envy! Dressing up and with all the makeup piled up requires effort, especially when you think of something so out-of-the-box at the airport. Johnny, as we can see, has a quirky nickname. The ‘chocolate’ aspect seemed inadequate for her, so the mate decided to slip into this weird attire and scream the character of Willy Wonk’s ‘Oompa Loompa’ from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1971). After a tiring flight, this one will make you feel rejuvenated. We hope she didn't have to borrow money for this outfit.
The Dutiful
Very rarely do we find mommas having this sense of humor? Cracking jokes on oneself is no mean feat, and Kaden (the son). We don't assume he is the writer of this honest confession! The dear mom has taken all the effort to brilliantly portraying reality like this. That's because she loves to strike a balance between the son and her husband. We don't even know if there were sleepless nights that she spent or battled with anxieties galore (student loans and all). Good that daddy's finally making a return, and joys will abound now.
Get Outta My Way
Once this sign is up in the airport, anybody would move out of the way. And would want to give way to this little one who is going all colorful and excited to meet her father! A uniquely done creative job, the artistic splendor is evident in the kid. We can assume how he might make money in his later life and flaunt his luxurious lifestyle using this trait. Even daddy won’t be able to resist the cute monster when he sees him. It’s just minutes before daddy’s plane lands, and he’ll come running to his child.
Ah! That Goddamn Selfie Stick
How on earth do people expend this effort when they’ve made their mind up in drifting apart? But then some people love to exaggerate, like this woman. So Simon will be jolted, we presume, on seeing the story of his selfie stick highlighted in black. Worse, when he sees people around laughing at this, we dare not think of the consequences. Just hoping that this woman isn’t hitched to Simon, for if they’re going their ways, we would suggest her to better start taking care of finance!
Welcome Home, Matt!
Matt might not always be the husband who’s greeted at the airport by people who wants him to know the big news. Here’s the story of a simple guy coming after ages and has a sister who is about to welcome the grandest gift of all on earth. To an extent, we like how the clear font would help Matt understand there’s something big awaiting him. Apart from earnings, but had this been a bit more organized, it would look more enhanced.
That's Sooooo Cute!
You don't need a Father's Day to make him feel special. Imagine the plight of this kid who has probably taken hours to make this cute thing for her father. Much like her, the dad must have counted days to see his daughter. Or what if he was stuck somewhere for years, and the kid has now grown up (which is why you see the term' entire life). Whatever be the reason, this meet is more valuable than any investment on earth. And we would have waited to see how the two reacts upon seeing each other.
So Nice Of You, Eric!
That’s Eric Stonestreet of the Modern Family sitcom fame. He was super impressed seeing his fans awaiting his arrival with bated breath. Indeed that’s admirable and sometimes away from money and investments. That’s all these stars also seek. The sign depicts the fact he might have met them in Australia. After an exhausting flight, this sort of welcoming is a privilege and that too from commoners. Not everything in life is about success, stardom, and high-end living. You need to be lucky to get this love from fans! And Eric perfectly reciprocates!
The Apple Tree
Can’t pinpoint exactly what these two ladies wanted to convey with their specially made cardboards depicting an apple and a tree. However, we can consider them as the mom and daughter. Maybe the latter’s son or daughter carved out such lovely artwork to showcase their skill before the proud dad, who will get a surprise hosting by the duo. Now whether the saying ‘the apple doesn’t fall from the tree’ is what’s on their mind or not, we aren’t very sure. Let’s stick to our initial assumption, at least going by the excitement on their faces.
Cut To The Chase
It's better to come straight to the point, and we appreciate the effortless style adopted here. It has no pictures, graphics, or hidden meaning in this one. It's just a sign that says 'welcomes home' and orders (literally) what should follow next. So if your partner decides to go for a fuss-free approach as this, make haste! We must admit that the creator has chosen to play with colors and font, adding a glitter dash. Instead of taking all from the savings account, this approach's simplicity will win the lover's heart.
The Sweetest Welcome Ever
This one’s truly an ‘awwww’ moment! So probably daddy has been away for a few months. And he is returning to be greeted by his gorgeous wife and the darling. Going by the background where soldiers are present, should we assume the new dad’s in the army? But this woman deserves all the accolades for breaking the news to her husband in such an innovative way. We love the way dear mamma is all decked up, even after so much post-natal stress. That speaks volumes about her lifestyle, though.
Jimmy, Listen Up!
Thanks to expressions, this woman looks quite a jest. So let’s assume she’s still laughing till maybe the culprit emerges (who possibly has no clue about all this). But what if her man is ignoring her? This one’s going to send him in a tizzy! God help this poor woman if she’s shouldering all the responsibilities of her unborn child and pregnancy sans the man. This sure looks like a good idea to break into his banks and then leave, maybe… what say? Of course, girls do like to have fun, as we all know.
A Different Kind Of Welcome
In case of guilt hasn’t enveloped you yet, maybe this one’s enough! One look at the guy and you’ll take some time to wonder whether he’s playing a prank or it’s meant for someone. Probably he’s decided not to call a lawyer and deal with the matter all by himself. By the way, are those glares meant to cover his deep-seated anger or he’s just making it appear all too real? In case the act happened on a holiday, we suggest arranging for an alternative exit. Or maybe confront him (if you can)!
The Smokin' Hot Limo Driver
Oops! Look at this man who’s adept at the art of flirting. But can our speculations be wrong? Maybe he’s just another husband who’s playing a different role and wants to surprise his lady love! Now flirting at that time is a cool act, we must say, especially how he has chosen to compliment his wife. He’s dressed up as a limo driver (even if he’s one owner himself), and we know for a fact they can afford to live a luxurious lifestyle. We give him brownie points for his innovation.
Glad That You're Back
This is plain hilarious! If not the sign, then definitely those two small hands holding it would make you ROFL. Cute and light-hearted, we appreciate how a mom might have been so exhausted yet kept up with her humorous side. She might be nearby over the phone discussing refinance issues. But the gesture of these kids is so sweet that Dad would come running down to them. Talking about his wife, is she back in her house or simply here? We can only hope momma stays well, and daddy takes over a portion of her household duties.
The Routine Check
The girl dressed in blue truly has a figure to die for. She’s not happy (no sane person would be) and looks puzzled enough. Meanwhile, the other person present in the room might be the checker who’s doing her duty devotedly. Back to the victimized one, we feel she must contact her attorney for the harassment she underwent. We’re happy to see the level of cooperation that the woman has offered here. It’s no easy job, but taking this in stride and ‘adjusting’ with all these means the girl ranks high in the patience level.
Call Of Duty
After what the wife has done for the picture, we’re simply guessing that the visitor would be so elated upon getting this level of welcoming. The two lovebirds are now happy in each other’s company and the worldly activities seem to have taken a back step. Looking at this man’s uniform, we bet he’s coming from his duty. So imagine no matter how many banks contain his hard-earned money, if that wasn’t combined with this priceless welcoming, it would be no shocker if he decided to make a U-turn and run.
The Ultimate Maneuver
You see, these pictures are not just regular sights at train stations; a slight delay in the flight can cause more customers to find a certain route. But no matter how funny it looks, this is not easy. You’ve to check on your comfort factor, most important people and accordingly meet someone who can carry out some functions. The woman, however, has thought very well herself when it comes to maneuvers under armrests. If you’re keen on doing something besides eating lunch and dinner, act accordingly.
The Unusual Flight Attendant
Not really an ideal place to sit around and laze, but this leggy beauty however has taken the attention of most people simply by her pose. Sitting so close to the door has its share of pitfalls, regardless of being open or shut. Maybe her insurance papers are ready, and she cares least about what can happen if things go wrong (accidents, for example). But let’s assume a lucky passenger who makes headway through the door. What will he choose - a picture with her or drinks served by her?
Be Careful, Mommy!
We understand how difficult it can get to travel with a little one. Managing travel items and then an unpredictable child can give anyone the jitters. But with the entire luggage that mommy has, she thought it’s best to sort out individually, keeping the little one stacked in another basket. In a bid to keep her shoes aside, we pray she has noticed where exactly the child is kept, or else no matter how good her credit score might be in life, there’ll be an unimaginable debit from her life!
Is That You, Forrest?
Isn’t that Forrest Gump? OMG! The Nashville International Airport people rarely expected to meet this iconic figure at the airport. In case you have doubts, the Nike sneakers and even the clean haircut this man sports seem to do total justice to the film character. While the reel life hero made a lot of wealth, thanks to this film; we are not clear about where the real man was headed towards. Maybe, to meet his own Jenny! So if he were to miss his flight, passengers would scream, ‘Forrest! Run!’
Look Who's Watching
All decked up, prim and proper, this beautiful woman probably didn’t think all eyes might be on her. From the prying looks of the onlookers to the security cameras or even undercover security guards scattered throughout the airport, she had this least in her mind. Striking a pose isn’t bad and we understand she loves luxury, extravagance, and so on. But who knew it would be this moment that’ll be captured on camera so soon? Sometimes we need to need to keep a serious tab on our growing excitement levels!
Welcome Home, Mokie
Whether you’re wanted at home or not is a serious question, at least if you happen to check this sign. A mortifying one indeed, Mokie might be shocked when he walks out of the gate. His friends carrying this huge photo where he’s almost choking is the prank, and with a motto, as we guess, ‘Let’s make it large’! The whole airport’s just looking at that, which is kind of embarrassing. Probably Mokie is making a return from the far off lands amassing good earnings, and this is what he would be meted out upon landing. Oops!
The Dream Homecoming
These are epic scenes and quite common in the airport, and we can understand the overflowing emotions of this couple who seem to get engaged before the general public. This moment comes just once (maybe twice, if at all), and despite whatever wealth one accumulates, this will always stay memorable. This guy has decided to propose to his partner who just made a return from a trip as she comes out from the gate. It’s not merely who’s excited but her fellow passengers too. And we bet she’s said a ‘yes’!
The Restroom
Airports for most of the world aren’t dog-friendly. But thanks to this one in San Diego that’s taken care of the four-legged creatures. The special ‘pet relief’ area means you can take your pet and it will finish off its business, without having to create a scene all around. Some passengers often complain about these, so you’re mighty spared! Besides, you can hang around with your cute friend around this area as you wait for your flight, and the security won’t come around to check on you frequently.
The Airport Beauty
There’s no chance to feel bored if you are lucky enough to have a beauty like this while you make headway at the airport. So whether you’re at the gate or just waiting in the queue for your baggage drop off, the lady (and several like her) will get you all excited and energetic. If you’re a regular who often has to visit the university or check upon your parents at the retirement home, you might be acquainted with these sights. You might just bump upon those who are frequent as you!