When Gravity Is Stronger
Couples usually spend months, and even years, to plan their weddings. They map out every detail to perfection so that they look and feel best on their big day. However, even the best wedding planner cannot control and plan everything, and even the most-prepared couples sometimes want to erase some unexpected moments from history. We guess the bride's maid in this photo took falling her head over heels a tad too seriously, and she would love to erase this memory as soon as she can.
Married Couples Make Her Sick!
The best part of a wedding is the man taking his wife into his arms at the end. While these two lovebirds are engrossed in each other, the bridesmaid beside them might have got it all wrong. And her expression says that she's not over the moon! What was the photographer thinking, by the way? Whatever he was thinking, a puking bridesmaid in the photo doesn't make it a candid one. Photoshop skills, anyone?
Icky Kissing
Mommy says no to kissy, and when a young groomsman sees the same in a wedding, he's like, "let's pretend I didn't see that." Walking down the aisle hand-in-hand, exchanging wedding vows, and then sealing things with a kiss is a ritual. However, while the two cuties on the left love the moment, the young lad on the right might be a tad shy. Don't worry, buddy. Your time, too, will come.
Groom Turned Bullfighter
"Darling, I could be your Superman. I'd protect you from every peril...what do you mean I gotta play a Torero?" Well, this is a really serious situation out there. Just when you promise to protect her all her life, you suddenly find you are up against a raging bull. Breaking into a sweat would be embarrassing, right? We guess the bull wants to learn a thing or two about romance.
Itchy Nose
“Is anyone looking at me?" That’s what the cutie must be thinking before she comfortably slides her fingers into her cute little nose just to get the job done. She is perhaps oblivious to the eyeballs she has already grabbed at the marriage ceremony. Let’s not disturb the little one. Darling, it's okay to poke your nose. Nobody's gonna notice you anyway. You're not a celebrity, are you? Let's finish the little business first.
The Tables Have Turned
When holding your darling's hands is not enough; you have to hold her veils too. But holding by your head is so unusual that nobody did this before. "How does it feel being under the veil?" She is probably asking that to her man. And he is more than happy to walk in his wife's footsteps and proud as well. Frank moments like this are a treat for the eyes as they reveal how elated couples are on their big day.
Save the Veil!
Sometimes, you don't need to save the whole world from being a superhero. All you need is to fetch the bride's veil from the tree. Now the question is, who exactly will climb up the ladder to bring the wedding veil down. Of course, the man himself. This is the first step of commitment he takes to please his lady love. "Don't we have an extra veil?" No, but we do have some superheroes around.
Yum Flowers!
"I heard that the wedding bouquets are made of catnip. Let's find out the truth today." — this was probably the pug thinking right from the beginning. As the duo pours all their affection on each other, the four-legged cutie is busy digging into the bouquet. He cares the least what's going on around him. While romance is in the air for the two, the canine is into a world of his own. It seems he won't stop before he finds out what's waiting for him in there.
The Levitating Bride
What does it need to levitate into the air? All you have to do is to marry the woman you love. Rest is up to the wedding photographer to give you the power of levitation. The day is surely one of the biggest days in a couple's life as they look forward to beginning a new chapter. However, these two seem to be rising to the ninth cloud in excitement. Okay, take it easy. We understand your emotions, guys. Now can you please come down?
The Center of Focus
The wedding photographer seems to be inviting some serious trouble here. The bride will be furious to learn that she has been out of focus, and her bridesmaid is happily at the center of attraction here. While she is posing pretty from the snap, she has no idea what’s going on there. We can’t blame her if she decides to take the fight to the clicker. Meanwhile, the bridesmaid is looking really adorable, isn’t she?
When The Table Gave Up
This couple could easily have their oh-so-romantic moment, or at least they planned perfectly for that coveted moment. The guests were all around, they were dressed up perfectly, the photographer was all set to take the best snap of his life, and then this happened. It was exactly that moment when they realized that while they were showering all their love and attention to each other, the cake chose to slip away in its own glory.
Waldo Has Finally Been Found
That’s a nice group photo, where you have the friends of both the bride and the groom putting on the best smile. The lanky groom, though, towers above the rest and takes the cake. Once you take a look at him, there is no way that you can ignore him. All decked up and smiling. His excitement is pretty much evident. After all, it’s his marriage day. You can’t simply steal the thunder from him.
An A-meow-zing Photobomb
This is the moment when you have no one around, and you are all set to plant a kiss on your lady love’s lips. That’s a fine wedding photography concept. But this cat had other ideas. It strolled into the focus, had a look at the duo, and winked at the camera. Probably hinting that he doesn’t care at all. He might be saying to himself, “Who the hell on earth are they and why they are here?” Sticking out her tongue, he gives two hoots to the private moment.
The Centaur Bride
What’s the first impression you have when you look at this snap? This is an illusion that can drive you crazy. You are at your wit’s end, seeking out what this picture tells you. This would have been a fantastic marriage photo if the photographer had implemented his humor in a better way. Instead, he chose to mess it up all like this. We could have explained what has happened, but we leave it to you.
Gymnastics Gone Wrong
The bride and groom are jumping with joy. We give it to them since it’s their day. But what on earth are the best man and the bridesmaid up to? From a first glance, you are bound to believe that the guy took this opportunity to reveal that he has no liking towards the lady. But, a flying kick? This is the wrong perception you have when you invest in a photographer who fails to capture the essence of a joyous jump in the right frame. All is good here between the two.
Not Confetti!
This guy had some excellent plans to make his wedding day special. But, somehow, things went wrong when he had been thrown at him by a friend. He surely didn’t bargain for this. This must-have ruined, if not his mood, but his clothes for sure. The lady in white had no idea what waited for her the next instant. Such a pity! We just hope the guy on the left didn’t get a good bashing.
How This Little Girl Really Feels About The Wedding
We all feel for the little cutie pie. She must be feeling bad that she ruined her dad’s shoes. But, the father is all focused on her, taking things under control. That’s how relationships should be. With that being said, this certainly was a hiccup on that special day. The bride behind is, though irritated, is relieved that her dress is intact. And that it didn’t stain from the splash-back. Is she revealing that with a smile?
Stop Horsing Around!
The horse slowly slides into the frame and grabs the limelight. With the lady right there, catching his attention with the bouquet, he couldn’t control himself and just stepped into the scene. The story that unfolds here is that he is wooed by those lovely flowers, looking out for the ring, and waiting for someone to pop the question. The answer to which will always be ‘Neigh!’ Don’t laugh as he also has the right to express what he wants.
A Look of Longing
Does this marriage have a bright future? Looking at this snap, you are bound to be doubtful. The bride’s eyes and hands are so much in alignment with the figure outside the window. It would be normal for you to take things in the wrong way. So, if the photographer takes the beating of a lifetime for this, we can’t do anything to help him out. We hope that the lady there isn’t up to what you are guessing.
Catching Some Z's
This guy just couldn’t make it through his wedding day. The whole affair has proved to be hectic for him, and the whole schedule seems to have compelled him to doze off on his bride’s shoulders right in front of the guests. Yeah. It’s definitely disappointing for the lady and a bit embarrassing as well. But after all, she has vowed to fulfill the commitments and can’t afford to escape from the embarrassment. This bonding is all for life, right?
The Bathroom Mishap
How terrifying it can be when the entire decor crashing down on you when you are busy peeing? Guess what would have happened to the bride and her mates just when chatting about the marriage party and giggling between them in the restroom. We have full sympathy for the girls and hope they got all that fixed. It must have surely disturbed their pee-useful wedding photography session.
An Explosive Affair
It’s hard to flash a smile when the four-wheeler you were driving to your wedding location catches fire mid-road. A pretty unusual concept for a pre-wedding shoot, but who would show their teeth when such a fatal incident happens. The groom’s reaction seems natural, though. That’s the poker face you would make when you are doomed like this, stranded mid-way down the road, not knowing what awaits you.
Footprints on the Gown
Kids are cute. But they can be a nuisance at a wedding ceremony. From licking up all the food at the buffet to stamping on the wedding dress, they have the ability to make your life hell. The lady there has no idea on this planet about what’s happening behind her back. She will be mad at this little chap for ruining her attire. With all of that being said, kids can be really cute.
Getting Cozy
Have you ever seen a cuter bridesmaid? We bet you haven’t. This cute little canine sneaks in behind the bride, holding a bouquet in between her cute little paws as if she has stepped into the shoes of the bride’s best buddy. The photographer has caught it in the perfect frame, making it an adorable sight. Anyone attending the wedding can proudly say that a dog fulfilled the duties of a bridesmaid.
Someone Needs A Bathroom Break
Gosh! This couple might not have expected this at all on their special day. Who would expect a dog shitting right in front of them while they are all geared up to pose together? After he slid a ring into her fingers and said, ‘I do,’ this is definitely not a treat that they would have wished for. Caught in the frame with the canine, they are making their disappointment known. But that hardly has any effect on the dog. He cares a fig.
A Porta Potty Wedding
Marriage is no mean feat. And taking the plunge means you have it in you to forsake your independence (for the most part). This couple posing behind the blue doors wear different expressions that largely reflect their moods. While the bride seems to glow at the thought of the big day, guess the man is still in two minds about getting hitched at all. It seems he has no idea marriage can be blissful too!
Red Speedos Are In!
Happiness is a state of mind. The newlyweds are indeed glad to be in each other’s arms, but sometimes being single pays off! The couple looks at each other in a loving gaze, and here is a man in red Speedos who seems to enjoy the act of photo-bombing the couple. We don’t know if it’s the timing or a deliberate folly. But we can say endorsing red wins you brownie points against that of pristine white.
A Pear-y Cheeky Snapshot
This makes for a perfect candy crush moment! But this time, it’s a departure from the app-based game. The duo is all decked up and totally in love, seems to look at something that has caught their fancy, forgetting how the shutterbug captured them holding their hands. We love the pair, as in the pears. Just in case you thought that’s the smiling bride’s attire, it’s the cake, silly! Now let’s eat. We mean the pears!
When Physics Failed Them
Sometimes weddings go wrong. And you’ve no one to blame but yourself. Maybe the bride cursed herself for having invited this bridesmaid of hers who created quite a scene before the duo said: “I Do.” Wait a minute! Why has the groom held her hand and not his would-be wife? This seems fishy. Likely that a college affair went wrong and she just thought of, you know, drowning in love!
Romance Is Disgusting
Never marry your partner if you don’t know how to kiss him/her right. And if unsure, maybe this pair holding flowers would teach you how to go about it. We heart the variations in the onlookers’ expressions. Someone is just mastering the moves, the other looks at them in a coy manner, and oh! that poor guy is in tears… is he reminded of someone? But “it doesn’t matter” as Michael Jackson said, “if you’re black or white”!
Watch It Tumbling Down
All things white at weddings make for a pretty picture. But what if you mess up like this? The couple forgot it’s a cake, and that’s not meant to be embraced like themselves. But it’s difficult to convince foodies we know! We so pity the poor invitees who were (perhaps) dying to get a portion of this gigantic, lip-smacking confectionery. Can someone tell them you must bite only as much as you can chew?
Playtime With The Pug
If there’s anyone lucky in this picture, it’s the flower girl. Although it doesn’t appear so, check who’s pulling her lovely dress. That’s a cute pug. And she doesn’t mind either! We wouldn’t have too, for if you happen to have a friend for a lifetime in the form of a canine, would you really think of anything else? No. It seems the others are simply jealous of the duo.
Graceful Slipping
Who’s the photographer, by the way? Getting everyone in the same frame is an arduous job, and we’re on the lookout for this amazingly skilled person who knows how to make everyone happy. We hate to think of the consequence if anything went wrong (just like slipping or falling, you know). But we will conclude by saying it’s a happy occasion. It seems nature does justice to those yellow flowers in their hands!
A Face Full of Flowers
That’s a flushed out smile! The man has posed just right before the camera, but guess what… maybe the bridesmaids were trying to play pranks with the bride, and they took it a little too far. Such has been the impact of showering with flowers that she’s barely visible. Was she too drunk by any chance that the flowers covered it just right on time? Or maybe a dollop of red would accentuate her love life!
That Awkward Forever Alone Moment
Sometimes it’s so awkward not having a partner. And especially when you see couples professing their love for each other, do you really miss out on having a similar experience? Roses in full bloom kept before her. She decked and dolled up in the perfect shade of red. But it looks like love and passion are barely ignited in this woman’s life. Oh, let’s just shift our attention and congratulate the new man and wife.
The Overenthusiastic Crowd
This is exactly what happens when you don’t know how to control your excitement! The poor guy might have broken his head even before his spendthrift wife would have done the same with his growing net worth. We’re not exactly sure if we should be offended with his huge circle of friends who have no words after the crisis has already occurred, but that cameraman deserves … applause (perfectly on time)!
A Beach Wedding But With Machinery
For most people, beach weddings are the most romantic ways to tie the knot. And we can't deny that either! It's casual, the smell of salt lingers in the air, the sound of the crashing waves is soothing, but no one said anything about heavy machinery in the background! What a way to ruin what would have been a perfect beach wedding! We hope things still went smoothly for this couple despite the unfortunate photobomb.
Marking Their Territory
Dogs can sometimes not act as a man’s best friend, or even a woman’s! And this picture should testify that. The couple seems to have a tough time dealing with their heavy outfits already. If that wasn’t enough, the stray just found an appropriate satin zone to pee! And Mr. Groom seems absolutely unaffected by the fact that the strays have chosen to play it wrong with an expensive bridal dress.
Sneaking A Peek
We can vouch for the fact these men weren’t doing their ‘best man’ duties. Possibly they hankered for that delectable cake, and all they had were the remnants! It’s not possible to have the cake and eat it too always. Sometimes you need to forget your drunken states and save the bride who’s broken her banks for that dress and way drunker! But hey, maybe you should not take advantage of the situation. Where’s the husband anyway?
This is just one day in your life that’s supposed to be the way you want. And there you see, a clone of yourself in the form of a cake! That’s akin to a catastrophe, and this bride is almost about to break down. Our dear groom seems unable to keep his hands off accomplishing the massive feat of chopping his wife off… err. We mean the cake! But then, a lifetime remains. Just wait for retirement.
Say "Neigh!"
The blues have not crept in, and the wedding is just about to happen. Before that, it’s a must that you get yourself clicked with the princess for the day. But if there’s anything that’s adding some spice to this otherwise dull and drab photo is a horse in the background. So what if you didn’t invite? He just felt like photo-bombing to blend in. And his expression is far better than the others!
Death Beckons
The death knell looms large, and we hope we’re just overthinking! This is indeed a priceless moment. But is it a start to something ominous? No, we don’t like making such random predictions, but you would be led to believe so, at least by seeing the devil in the background as long as it isn’t so, who cares! For now, let’s KISS (keep it simple silly!). You never know if a divorce lawyer would visit soon.
The Frustrated Royal
Would you even think in your wildest dream that a royal wedding can have its share of flaws? Like, seriously? But then, having kids in the frame means they can make or break things, as evident in this epic photo. They look cute, though, and we don’t blame them. Or maybe the couple had already started speculating what the future would look like when they would begin their own family (and not stop!).
I Don't Care. I Have To Pee!
That’s a fashion faux-pas! And just because he’s a little kid, it doesn’t imply he won’t be taken seriously. But look at the inhuman souls around him, all in giggles. And we know why. After all, they’ve got some great material that would be enough to blackmail him once he grows up quickly. What’s worse is this will be done when he’s just in a relationship, and that would scare off his partner, inevitably.
The Missing Ring
This is one of the most exciting games played on D-day. This goes a long way in cementing the bond between the bride and the groom. But, it looks like they have screwed things up. But don't worry, there is always someone who finds the misplaced engagement rings. In case they are unable to seek it out, they would certainly be in for a pleasant surprise, which can be "unpleasant" for them.
The Nosy Mom-in-Law
She never wanted the duo to settle down from the beginning. And now she intrudes in their private time. Typical MIL is coming to terms with the fact her DIL has finally snatched away from her son. At least it’s great to see the couple turning a blind eye to her peeping from the car window and continuing with what is rightfully meant for them today. We can’t change her disapproving nature, but maybe put a curtain… what say?
The Case of the Missing Suit
Has he just come winning a football tournament? But his graphic tee says otherwise. Here’s an exemplary figure among the modern grooms who simply chose to adopt an experimental approach and not the usual one. We would have loved to see his bride taking the same route too. Set against a perfect natural backdrop, we guess their decision to get hitched from the dating days was quite a sudden one.
Taking the Plunge
We wondered what extra care the wedding photographer has taken to ensure this snapshot is edited way too perfectly! We hope the bride knows. This actually would have made for a lovely click if you check the amazing natural view, but the expression killed it totally. We hope the couple realizes that consolidating finances and investments in life is so important before taking the plunge, or else you land yourself in knee-deep water!
An Unfortunate Pee-saster
Kids are the best storytellers. Your wedding would stay memorable if you know how to get them at the right time in the right place. While one is contemplating working her way using her feet, the other has done the deed even before the couple knew it. Someone should tell the duo that building a family and credit score is never too easy. And that’s important to know for sooner or later they would do so!
A Wedding and Group Drills
In reality, it’s your marriage that matters, not the wedding. And the couple believed in this philosophy to the core. Who would go for elaborate arrangements in the church and have visitors playing with the décor and cake when all you can do is, have a cute diamond ring, a priest, and a photographer to help you cut down on the costs substantially? Besides, it’s the seaside… you’ve got a nice ambiance! But hey, who are those people in the background?
A Little Too Late
As they say that it’s the sun, the moon, the stars, and everything around that conspire to bring you to your love. And we have this picture to attest to that. We pity this ‘middle-man’ who had perhaps loved the lady since his university days but never mustered the courage to say that aloud. Then came this man and took the prize, leaving the other one as just another ‘friend.’ Love is blind. Indeed.
The Ghost Bride
Wedding photos have high chances to go horribly wrong if you do not consider details like the location of the shoot. And it would not just ruin your big day, but also leave a big hole in your bank accounts. This couple chose such a windy place that they had to deal with the gust now and then. At one point, the bridal gown became a sort of rain cover the princess of the moment. LOL! Well, they must be smiling now, but retaining this would be tough when senses are regained!
Windswept Wedding
We love how the lensman was quick to act in time. The lady might have killed him outright had she not become busy with her umbrella. The storm seems to approach, but not in her life, silly! Weather disturbances are temporary. But we hope she has worn this dress right. It’s a windy day, and we can’t guarantee her safety. The husband seems nowhere around. We hope he hasn’t called off the engagement.
The Best Photobombers in History
What can be a worse location for a wedding photoshoot than a busy street like this one? Standing among the crowd and smiling at the shutter is way too embarrassing. After all, you have all the people on the road staring at you. That definitely feels easy. These dogs have other ideas, though. They just don’t seem to care. They are out on a stroll, and that’s what they plan to focus on. And they prefer to ignore the wedding party!
This Is A Wedding, Not A Zoo!
Was it so essential to pose with these dangerous reptiles at a wedding? And if they’re the center of attraction, why have the newlyweds not said anything about it? Fear, we guess. Or maybe the man is just married to his world of snakes and alligators as much as the pair beside him. Even though the choice appears weird when you notice this woman’s expression, everyone has individual choices.
They're Lovin' It
You know retirement is on the cards, and you cannot afford a lavish wedding. So, cut aside cute dresses, gorgeous makeup, destination plans, and over-the-top arrangements. Make it simple and live the life (the remaining that is) to the fullest capacities. McDonald's isn’t a bad choice, only if you know how to get the trend right. And looking at the couple, we can clearly say it’s each other and ‘nothing else matters’!
Living Under His Shadow
She isn’t dark or kept her makeup unusually black for her special day. It’s just that she loves the idea of being under the shadow of her husband, and that’s evident via this click. How long that will be entertained by this otherwise confused man is a serious question. But that might just be something he loves- especially if he feels a man’s ego must be satiated by his better half!
Is My Nose Bleeding or Is It Cake?
Is it cake on their faces, or have they already got their fangs out, letting their inner vampires out! While the picture doesn't seem appealing, we hope the cake was appetizing and makes this goof-up worth it! And we are sure the bride and groom would be upset with the way their faces have turned out! What we think is too much red velvet cake can ruin a perfect moment! So much for choosing the perfect wedding cake.
No Dessert
No, no, no, it didn't happen! When that perfect wedding cake finds its way to the floor and all hell breaks loose! We can quite feel the palpable horror on the bride's face. Their gorgeous, beloved cake falls, and we wonder whom to blame for the harakiri! Whoever he/she is, God save him from the wrath of the bride and groom! Well, we hope that photo will also be saved for posterity, maybe to find out who did it?
Heels Over Head!
Well, we know the bride is confident about her two right feet but isn't the bride taking it too far. Well, it is when taking the hitting the dance floor in the literal sense of the term. We can quite imagine what the bride must be feeling with her hair flying and her heels up in the air, mortified yes! Poor dear, not the best way to start a new life!
When Moving and Getting Married Coincide
The hotel cleaner couldn't have chosen a more opportune moment to move the luggage around. He ends up barging into what seemed like the perfect photo op moment. Well, he did have the best of intention, we are sure, but he was completely oblivious to what was happening in the background. Here is the perfect awkward moment that made it into the wedding albums of the bride and groom. Well, another example of a wedding photo gone wrong!
Oopsie Baby!
A photobomb that ruins the otherwise perfect picture is every wedding party's nightmare! Yes, that's just what happened. A well-accessorized baby stroller can perk up a surrounding! While the hard-working has no clue that she is part of an epic photo or the bride and groom who, thankfully, have eyes only for each other. The cute baby, though, is enjoying all the attention on its day out! A photo-fail for sure, but the baby is snug in her stroller, and its mother doesn't care too much, do they?
Car Troubles
Imagine having your car break down on your D-day? But it seems the bride is right at the job, helping the car stutter back to life so they can reach the church right on time. We are wondering about that beautiful dress, though. What is going to happen to that? Well, the white dress is no longer going to be white, though. But a few smudges are not going to matter. Thank God! for a bride who is a whiz at multitasking!
A Very Wet Wedding
That ignominious fall, though! We are sure the bride is having second thoughts about saying I-do. Imagine plunging right into the ocean in your pristine white dress, complete with your accessory, a bouquet. The poor bride doesn't even know what she is in for, and with that large audience watching her, well, this is one memory she would want to erase once and for all. We bet on that.
True Love's Kiss
We quite get the look of incredulity on the bride's face and the other bridesman's face! That is one awkward photo! And the bride must be wondering what she is in for! While it's a given for grooms to chase bridesmaids, but going after your best man? Well, it's so awkward bordering on funny that we cannot help laughing out loud. We are sure the bride is not finding any of this funny and will have some strong words to share with her groom.
How Romantic!
While wedding photos should always be unique, this photo may be taking it too far. Also, it helps when the bride and groom hardly bother to check what's going on and around. It helps them stay err stress-free, maybe! Another photo of epic proportions! And the photographer clicking it without batting an eyelid. Well, quite a Moo-ving photo to stare at a good day or a few years down the line!
Big Foot Spotted!
It's easy for a tender moment between the bride and groom to be ruined forever with a sasquatch sighting. We are glad that the bride and groom don't have an inkling of how the photographer is creating an ah-mazing photo to look at later on. Is it Bigfoot? Plenty of reasons to zoom on the image and take a good look at it afterward. Quite a folklorish way to remember this moment.
The Pant-less Photobomber
This delivery man means business. And there's nothing that can stop him. Well, not even a group photo of a wedding. He cycles right through the frame and catches the photographer by surprise. And the best part is, the wedding party doesn't seem to care about the photobombing. Or are they so caught up in the moment that they are clueless about this cycling stranger's presence? We think it would have been fun if the delivery person was at least dressed for the occasion!
A Face Full of Glitter
While we all know about the tradition of throwing glitter all over the bride and groom, it can get well, a little shiny if glitter is thrown all over them. We are just wondering how they will get rid of the glitter from their fancy clothes. Not fun, right? We bet the bride and groom are wondering what they would tell their friends once the party is over!
The Moment When She Fell For Him... Literally!
A miss-step and then a fall! complete with the bouquet in hand. There goes the bride's beautiful dress. We don't have an after photo yet, so we don't know whether her friends finally were able to prevent that fall, but what we feel sorry about is that beautiful white dress, with all the grass stains on her dress, we wonder how is she going to get rid of them?
It's Raining Bird Seeds!
Well, an overzealous guest can be a pain in the eye! Birdseed all over her face, while she is just waiting to board her car with the just married car and zoom away. It completely looks like a scene from the Avengers: Infinity War! Watch out, bride. You may miss your step and fall on your feet with scores of eyes on you. Not very pleasant to happen on your wedding day.
Mischievous Little Tyke
This mischievous elf knows what he is up to, the spot that grin on his face. But the same cannot be said of the lady who sports the look of absolute terror staring at the little devil. Kids these days, we tell you, they are one up on adults. Their mischievous antics can give adults a run for their intellect and poise! This moment deserves an epic photo op!
Identical Trio
We know you can call two people wearing the same dress as twinning, but what do you call three people wearing the same dress? A coincidence with a capital C. But what has caught our eye is the amiable look on all the three ladies. They quite like it. Well, with their resplendent outfit, we are sure they have driven away all the wedding blues! Well, the pretty ladies deserve a good photo, and thankfully the cameraman obliged.
The Look of Realization
Wait, what are you, the groom? Like really? Then it isn't the kind of face you should be making on your wedding day, especially when your bride walks up to you. And if that's a person's expression on the wedding day, imagine what would happen for the rest of your life? Chin up dude, a wedding is supposed to be the most beautiful day of your life! Let's hope the bride does not take a look at this photo later!
The Lost Ring
Imagine a wedding on the beach! Beautiful right? But the same wedding can turn out to be a nightmare on the beach if you are the bride or the groom and happen to lose your wedding ring in the sand. The best part you can ask for a helping hand from friends, family, and guests. We only hope they found the ring at the right time and the exchange of vows.
Let 'Er Rip... Literally!
Is it your friend's wedding? Well, you can get a little carried away! But you should have taken a little extra care to choose the right trousers for the occasion. Dancing away with gay abandon may be the right idea, but then when there are naughty photographers all around trying to click, click-worthy photos, dude, you never know what can happen to you! Too late, you have gotten clicked, and the photo has gone viral!
Slip and Slide
Just before the fall? Or was the bride became the groom's queen in shining armor to prevent that scary-looking fall. At the same time, we find it funny, looking at the priceless picture of the bride. The bride, though, has got his back and came in at the nick of time to save him right on the wedding day. Phew! What a save and what a photo, photographer, please take a bow!
Not A Piece of Cake Survived
The cake is set to hit the floors, and it's not even a cake slam! Not a pretty sight at all! But such a priceless photo, with everyone chipping in with their wide-eyed and wide-mouthed expressions. Funny, sad, surprised, horrified? Well, you have got it all, while the two men try in vain to save what is left of what looks like an amazingly delicious cake! Sigh! We wish it didn't happen to the cake of all dishes.
Breakdancing Gone Wrong
Making a grand entry to your friend's wedding is all good, but we feel showing off your acrobatic skills at a wedding is kind of misplaced. And his clothes kind of agree. Doing a 'split' before hundreds of people may not turn out to be exactly the best idea. We heart the photographer's sense of humor, though, and the ability to click on the snapshot right at the nick of time.
Taking Down the Bride
We don't know yet who caused this major fall. But it isn't looking pretty by any standards. Now we don't know what triggered off the fall? Was it the groom's fault or the brides? While the onlookers are staring at the 'fallen angels,' we wonder what the bride has to say the groom right after this fall. And will the photographer be spared for capturing and eternalizing this oppsie moment? We are still guessing!
A Sandy Wedding
Thank God they find it funny, and their sense of humor allows them to laugh it away. This romantic wedding just had a new tagline, a hilarious wedding! Well, we hope the newly-wedded couple has their sense of humor intact when they look at this photo after the wedding. The photographer gave a whole new meaning to candid photographs. By the way, we love the accessories, though, gives the perfect beachy vibes!
Crazy Pigeons
Aww, we wonder what exactly happened to the guy who makes such a cry-baby face? Is it the pigeons, or it's his girlfriend now marrying someone else! Ah, in that case, that's a tragedy, and we completely get it. The photographer couldn't help but click this priceless photo! He certainly has impeccable timing. The bride and groom are having a fun day out, though, oblivious to the man shedding copious tears.
A Neigh-sty Guest
Whatever happened to the horse, he sure looks like he disapproves of the bride. That seems ominous. Maybe he is warning the bride to scoot off while you can! The bride feels clueless! Julia Roberts, please make way, because we have someone to play your part in Runaway Bride part Two! The photographer couldn't let go of this amazing moment. The two of them have been 'caught in the act.'
The Nose-Picker
Kids are cute no matter what they do. Well, somebody is digging this cute photo! The photographer is in his elements, so is his subject, who is having a field day, digging away his nose in full glory. Well, the boy won't mind, well, at least now he won't, but we wonder what he will say after several years when digging your nose in public properties can have far-reaching connotations. Till then, let's grin at this cutesy photo and give a virtual pat on the back of the skilled photographer.
Is This Really What I Want?
We bet the bride must be saying something that is making her look so, well, emotional! Some photos can qualify as perfect photos, and then some photos are not-so-perfect photos. And then, there are pictures like this! We guess the bride has cold feet. Poor bride, don't worry, everything's going to be alright! Or did the groom step on her feet? Well, whatever it is, this picture is sure going to make her laugh every time she sees it!
Caught Red-Handed
Already! The groom is at his game, and he was caught in the act by his bride! That is going to the shortest wedding ever in the history of weddings. We can say that for sure, going by the wife's angry look. We don't think the groom will be able to pacify the furious wife! Well, all thanks to the photographer for documenting this moment where the groom broke his wedding vows way too soon!
The Very Breast Photo
If you are a pre-wedding photographer, you are certainly going to pay the price for this. Thanks to him that this gorgeous bridesmaid takes the cake here and that too. And she does that at the cost of overshadowing the bride herself. He must be praying that the bride doesn’t find this out. If she does, he wouldn’t have an option but to flee for his life. He certainly has messed this up. We have loads of sympathy for the guy.
Sam Elliott and Katherine Ross fell for each other while shooting for The Legacy, a horror flick. Things changed when they set their eyes on each other and the duo has stuck to each other since then. They tied the knot in 1984, and Sam and Katherine have been inseparable for the last 35 years, giving major couple goals to the youngsters. They’ve been head over heels in love ever since!
They have raised Cleo Rose, their daughter, in the best possible way and have given her all the comforts of life. Ross isn’t much into acting these days, but Sam is still going strong and recently delivered a stunning performance in A Star Is Born. We can’t wait to see what other projects he has in the pipeline!