Regret the Decision
Loyalty, faith, and understanding are the three pillars of a healthy relationship. Husband and wife don't need to micromanage each other with a constant fear of being cheated on. But sometimes, trust breaks when you don't pay any heed to what's happening around you. This exactly happened to Grace, a new mother, when she overheard her husband and the babysitter whispering one day. She decided to dig deep to know what was going on.
She set up a plan and decided to videotape the event. When she had laid eyes on the recording, shocking facts were revealed. She felt sorry for herself and the ignorance that kept her blindfolded all these months. She never knew this could get any worse and wished no married woman would go through this.
Happy Couple
The Richards earned a reputation for being a perfect couple of the block. Amidst emotional crisis, strained relations, and the news of divorces floating around, John and Grace remained untouched from all the negativity. They were successful in their respective fields and were happily married. While John was a reputed lawyer of the town, Grace had tried her luck in real estate to become an agent.
The news of Grace's pregnancy satisfied the couple, and it seemed they were on cloud nine for some time. The first pregnancy is always a special feeling for a woman, and the sense of responsibility for the newborn reigns supreme for a man. With this, the bond could only improve until the fire broke out. Something cropped up unexpectedly that risked changing their lives forever.
The Newborn
Grace had a smooth delivery without any neonatal complications. Being a new mom, a woman is always scared when she's in labor. For Grace, everything went off without hindrance, and Grace was so happy when the newborn was on her lap. Her lifelong dream of becoming a mother is finally a reality.
But not everything went well as planned. The postpartum depression quickly got a hold of her mental health right after she conceived. Grace was always aware of her physique, and this sense of body awareness posed a new challenge for her. The stretch marks, hairy muscle, and excess fat made it hard for her to return to the toned shape she once used to be.
Anna, the Babysitter
As the Richards were a working couple, they were desperately searching for a babysitter to sit their baby. This was when Anna came. She was a bright young woman who was an efficient nanny. She previously worked in the neighborhood, so her experience in babysitting made Grace confident to leave the newborn for work.
What seemed to be a right-on-the-money move later turned out to be a wrong turn that Grace failed to predict. Anna was at the center of things as the love story of The Richards was about to get messed up. What's going on? Was it just Grace's usual insecurity under postpartum depression, or did Anna have something to do with it?
The Temptation of Anna
Anna is blessed with prettiness from head to toe, and Grace starts feeling insecure when she's around her husband. This is due to Anna's flirting nature that made Grace think she may entice her husband someday. Although she had dissuaded her mind from thinking such cynical thoughts, the Richards kept Anna as their little angel's babysitter.
However, soon she found out a purpose to not think otherwise. Although she never wanted to spy on Anna in the first place, one day, she watched her husband guiding Anna outside. She felt genuinely jealous and couldn't help but become suspicious of what was happening. She watched the live footage of the closed-circuit camera installed outdoors. However, she got confused as it looked like a heated argument. In this kind of situation, any woman would feel the same, resulting in an emotional breakdown.
Anna Had a Flirtatious Nature
Grace knew she would soon become busy with her career as a real estate agent. That meant her baby would stay back home. To give the child company, Grace had hired Anna. Everything about Anna was great; many had spoken highly of her to Grace. But there was something about her personality that irked Grace. She soon found out that Anna had a flirtatious nature.
Though Grace didn't seem to give it much thought at the beginning, something happened later that forced her to get to the depth of things. What exactly happened forced Grace to consider whether she should keep Anna at work? What were Anna and John discussing so quietly? Were they hiding something?
Insecurity Sets In
Grace and John have been together for quite some time. Anna and John's hushed conversation had made Grace quite jealous and insecure. Grace realized that things had changed a lot with time, especially after her pregnancy. Never did she think for one second that John's priorities might change. Such circumstances never arose. She was wondering what was going on in John's mind.
She knew she was not that attractive anymore after she had become a mother. Neither did she have that figure nor the energy post her pregnancy. Could that be the reason why John was slowly drifting away? Any woman in her place would feel insecure. There was something that Grace needed to find out. She couldn't just sit there and watch.
Strategic Planning
Grace was never a woman who would usually suspect such things. But now that she had sensed something was wrong, she just couldn't stay silent. She was adamant that she needed to get to the crux. But she had no idea what to do and how to do it. Grace had never had any experience in handling such a situation before. As a result, she was pretty nervous.
She was contemplating whether to ask John directly. But there was an issue with that. If she did that, John would be upset that Grace didn't trust him. Grace thought profoundly and came up with a plan. She knew she had to gather evidence first. Without evidence, approaching John would have been difficult.
Hidden Cameras
To execute her plan, she needed to wait for the right time. The moment she was looking for arrived when both John and Anna were not in the house. Grace had to do whatever she could during this period. Grace set up two hidden cameras, one inside the house and one outside the home. She thought these cameras would capture anything John and Anna were up to.
As time went by, Grace was surprised by some strange behaviors. Never did she see them behaving in such ways. She felt something was not right. Her heart started beating faster when she realized something was cooking between John and Anna. The time to log on to the security cameras was coming near.
Tensed Moment
It has been a week since Grace had installed hidden cameras outside and inside the house. Throughout the week, Grace's heart started pounding as she waited with bated breath for this moment. Now that the day had arrived, it was time for her to confront her worst nightmare. Her intuition told her that something was not okay.
But she kept her fingers crossed and hoped she was wrong in suspecting her husband. She browsed through the footage captured by the hidden cameras, pausing when she noticed John and Anna in a room. She had no idea what was coming up. She didn't want the worst to happen, but Grace was highly apprehensive. Her anxiety got better as she continued to play the footage.
Trying to be Close
Grace caught the tension between Anna and John whenever the two were together in a room. Each time, Anna tried to get close to John. Being a woman, Grace could pretty well figure out her intentions. As she watched the footage closely, she was sure that Anna was trying to flirt with John. But she wanted to know John's reaction.
Her whole attention was on the screen as she scrutinized everything properly. Grace didn't want to miss out on anything. She knew she had to get to the bottom. Otherwise, she would never get to see the truth. Suddenly, she heard someone knocking on the door. Who was there? Did John or Anna come to know about her plan?
She Didn't Expect It.
It was Anna knocking on the door. Grace didn't expect Anna to call on her when she was busy examining the footage. However, she tried to put on a smile. Anna was there to collect her payment. She also informed Grace that John was expecting her. Just as Grace was about to take money out of her purse, John appeared in the room.
He told Grace that she need not bother about the payment as he would look after that. John also insisted that he would walk Anna out to the parking place. Anna had parked her car there. Grace was quite surprised when she heard this. Neither John nor Anna had any idea that a camera was tracking everything.
Time to be Alert
Being a mother is in no way easy. Looking after the kids around the clock, getting tired, messing things up, and then waking up again in the night to take care of the babies is not everybody's cup of tea. However, Grace had other things to ponder at the same time. Grace knew that her husband was a desirable man and many women had an eye for him.
She never allowed that to bother her. But that doesn't mean she completely ignored such things. That said, she could keep herself from thinking if something was cooking between Anna and John. She didn't like the way Anna was looking at her husband. She knew she had to be on high alert.
Unusual Behavior
Grace knew it was time to stay alert whenever Anna was in her house. She noticed something unusual between her and John before and sensed something was wrong. But, she needed concrete evidence. The next day, she noticed that Anna behaved not like usual. She was constantly hovering around John.
Her skimpy black dress and her behavior towards John were enough to raise Grace's eyebrows. Was she going to a party after work? Grace didn't want to be hard on her. But what if that was not the case? She hoped that Ann wasn't trying to attract John to her. However, her fears turned into reality when she saw Ann putting her hand on John's.
Anna's Audacity
Anna and John walked towards the hallway, and Grace kept a tab on the two. Suddenly they stopped midway and started discussing something. Grace tried hard to listen to what the two were talking about but couldn't understand a single word. She wished she could, but in vain. But despite being unable to hear anything, Anna's gestures were enough to break Grace's heart.
Anna was showing off her dress to John and gesturing towards it quite suggestively. A woman can easily understand the gestures of another woman. Unfortunately, she couldn't see John's reaction. His back was facing the camera. Anna and John then stepped out of the house. What was going on? Grace couldn't spend a day without knowing what her husband was up to.
And That Was It
Grace was shocked. She came out racing and enquired her husband about what had happened. John replied that he fired her. But what was the reason that led him to do so? John requested her to stop panicking. He told her to take a seat.
Grace was somehow prepared for this. She had some idea that it was bound to happen someday or the other, and now it is happening! But she still couldn't believe it. John started opening slowly. He said that he didn't like the same way she treated him. And that wasn't all. He continued speaking. It was evident he had loads of things bottled inside him that were almost about to gush out. Grace had no option but to listen.
No Other Way
He was a man but felt threatened at certain moments. Most importantly, he didn't imagine he would be a victim to the woman. She flirted with him almost every time. Her very way of looking or talking seemed discomforting for him. He had often requested her to stop, but she didn't listen.
What was worth appreciating was how John often felt that her approach was disrespectful towards Grace. But since she wouldn't listen, John had no other choice. She had crossed her boundaries long back, and John stayed polite. But things were getting out of hand and inappropriate. Grace, on the other hand, somehow felt a little better. Also, at the same time, there was some bit of guilt. However, she decided to come clean.
The 'Spy' Act
Grace expressed her profound concern for John. She was deeply worried about him and their relationship. And even though her anxiousness seems justified, she went overboard with her actions. She confessed that she thought something was brewing between the both of them. So she set up a camera to catch them red-handed!
However, she wasn't proud of her actions. She was extremely apologetic about what she had done. After all, spying isn't a mature act! And trusting one's partner is the first step toward building a solid relationship. At the same time, she knew her insecurities had taken the better of her. Especially after the baby came into their lives, Grace somehow felt that John was no longer interested in him.
Letting Out Deep-Seated Truths
Grace felt helpless. She made a confession that she knew could drive John away. She started to cry. Postpartum depression had engulfed her, and she somehow started feeling that everyone got busy with their own lives. It was much like all the people around her were capable of pulling themselves after she gave birth. And her insecurities knew no bounds.
Worse, she didn't lose the baby weight she had put on during the pregnancy! Naturally, day and night, she kept worrying if John found her attractive anymore. And things spiraled into other more extensive thoughts, from which she couldn't escape. But if only she managed to discuss these with John, even he would have felt nicer. At least, he wouldn't think that his partner kept her thoughts only to herself.
Guilt's Play
John couldn't believe it when he heard all these. He was shocked after listening to all her responses and thoughts that burdened her. It was unexplainable how he felt. Especially thinking about what she went through during these periods. At the same time, he, too, agreed that he should have been open to her about everything as well. It angered him no less than Grace didn't trust him, but he knew he was not without his flaws.
He pondered about those moments when he didn't communicate much. What was Grace thinking then? Also, Anna wasn't recruited by Richards again. But what about Grace? Will she get back to her usual self? Or will she fall in the same zone of staying inside her impenetrable shell?
Seeking Professional Help At The Earliest
What Grace had done to herself was pretty condemnable. She pushed herself to the point where she would have to now resort to professional help. Postpartum depression affects a lot of new mothers, and Grace was no different. The doctor, too, explained to her that she wasn't alone on this journey and her feelings weren't abrupt or unreasonable.
Going by records and studies conducted extensively, about ten to twenty percent of new mothers battle with strange thoughts, ideas, and resultant behaviors. Grace immediately started her treatment with anti-depressant medications and regularly followed up with her psychotherapist. The good thing was John was a terrific support system, which lessened her loneliness considerably. Together, they ensured that Grace would recover soon, for her mental health needed to be top-notch for the sake of her newborn!
Slow But Steady
After four weeks or one month, to be precise, Grace showed remarkable signs of recovery. The terrible fits of paranoia, mood swings, and panic attacks were minimized earlier, So much so that her insecurities started dying slowly!
Grace was finally feeling like she was being able to breathe. Those negative feelings of inadequacy, anxiety and depressive states melted away, and she regained her old avatar. The couple now thought of hiring a new babysitter to assist Grace and be at her beck and call. This was after John had fired Anna. When they finally had one, they could see she was no match for Anna. John was relieved witnessing the state of affairs, especially now that he and Grace could spend quality time together.
The New 'Grace'
Grace continued with her treatment for almost a year. And after she did so, it was finally time that she could come off all such medications. The only regret she now carried did not have the help she used to have earlier.
Perhaps, she wouldn't have seen such a speedy recovery time had John not been beside her. Finally, there was overwhelming joy, fun, and frolic in her life. She started accepting her post-baby body and stopped shaming herself. John had no care in this world about how much she gained or the fact her slim self was far more appealing. He was happy to see her embrace her new role as the mother to his kid and heal quickly.
Trauma Of New Mothers
Strange as it may sound, many people in this world tend to trivialize what is known as postpartum depression. If it seems funny or just another add-on, the reality is it's scary and requires medical intervention, if not tended to at the correct times. Most mothers can't overcome this issue by simply 'snapping out of it.'
No matter how much positivity they radiate, something inside often creeps in and makes them feel low. The feelings of inadequacy and sorrow keep adding when they fail to have proper outlets for venting or channelizing such thoughts. This extreme depression often leads women to adopt strange behavioral patterns and helplessness. So how would anyone know that someone is experiencing it?
Learning What It Is For Real
As recommended by the Post Natal Depression Support Association, the best way to handle postpartum depression is to ask for professional care from any recognized psychologist or someone specially trained in this field. And this should be in conjunction with the medication.
Reputed psychologists, psychotherapists, and counselors usually identify the trigger points and help the new mom analyze and finally work through the same. In addition to experts, support groups often come forward and help women feel free to share their feelings and thoughts with like-minded individuals or someone reliable. In doing so, at least they would know that they aren't alone. Only togetherness and a sense of oneness can help females overcome their deepest fears and anxieties.