Meet the heroine of the story - Iris
Iris is a fashion school graduate, and she is footloose and fancy-free looking for love. However, what stops her in her tracks is her shyness. Iris is a drop-dead gorgeous girl who seldom has to buy a meal or drink for herself. But sadly, she suffers from social anxiety and can hardly approach anyone. Yes, if you take a look at her, you would hardly think that a beautiful and outwardly confident person like her could be so shy.
She often is at a loss for words when she meets or dates guys. Her friends now understand her predicament and hatched a plan to help her beat her inherent shyness.
Well, what she could not do, her friends did, help her meet a guy who would be a perfect foil for her shyness. Let's find out whether Iris meets somebody who falls in love with her.
Dating Apps to the Rescue
Well, most of today's love stories begin with dating apps. These apps provide convenience, ease to meet the love of your life. Today's young people are so busy. They are quintessential workaholics who hardly have time to go out there and meet people.
Our story also begins the same way, with the help of a dating app. Iris's friends wanted to make sure she loses her inhibitions of meeting and socializing with strangers. So, if Iris meets someone online, she won't be tongue-tied and shy as she feels when she meets somebody in real.
Iris found the idea of meeting somebody on the net a good one until he met a couple of rather obnoxious guys whose insinuations freaked her out. Well, she scrolled and scrolled till she met him. Yes, the guy she was looking for, her knight in shining armor!
A magical first date
The man of her dreams turned out to be Thomas, a handsome man working in sales. Soon, the young couple was inseparable. They were unable to lose sight of each other. They would do what all couples do, fresh in love, send mushy texts to one another.
The couple spent several hours talking about everything, and when they weren't together, they were waiting for the other person to text back. They knew they like each other, but will the spark remain the same if they meet in person?
Iris was tied up in knots, wondering whether Thomas met the criteria of her 'perfect man,' She couldn't wait to find out. Would it be the best date of her life or the worst? Well, she couldn't wait to find out! And so couldn't Thomas!
In a Relationship Now!
Our couple met on an app, met, and fell in love! Sounds fairy-tail-like, right? But dreams can turn out to be a reality! Their relationship went deeper, as they kept spending more and more time with each other. They did everything together, right from attending various events to taking walks, to making lunch together!
Yes, everything and even their friends could not feel a tad bit jealous of their closeness. They have just met, haven't they? How come they are so close! Well, these are the questions that were bothering them.
The love was kind of overpowering. It was what truly, deeply, madly was all about. They had found their soulmate. Is it the till-death-do-us-apart kind of relationship? Well, let's find out whether Thomas meets up with Iris's expectations and vice versa. Will everything turn out to be just the way they imagined or not?
The Romantic Getaway
Thomas was the perfect beau who loved to plan things for his fiancee. This time it was a romantic getaway that would take them far away from their daily life and spend some quiet moments in each other's arms. A romantic location that would promise them the us-time they were looking for.
They were head over in heels with love and had eyes for each other only. They were also committed to one another hundred percent. When you are sure about the person, you are just sure right. There is no iota of doubt anywhere.
Thomas wanted this to be a surprise for Iris and asked them to bring her to the airport. And soon the plane frisked them off to the land of paradise. A land where there would be only sand beneath their feet and wind in the hair!
Will You Marry Me?
The couple couldn't have enough of each other at the weekend. They wished time would come to a halt, and they would be in each other's arms forever and ever.
They scourged the island and did the regular touristy things together! Thomas and Iris were beach bums the whole day, nestling their bodies in soft, plaint sand. By then, they knew the island like the back of their hand.
They were on the last night, Iris's heart was a little heavy, those beautiful moments were soon coming to an end or were they? Thomas and Iris took their now-a-ritual walk on the beautiful beach, the sun had set, and the sky had faint shades of golden before the sun slipped into the horizon with a promise of tomorrow! Then Iris saw something that stopped her right in her tracks. There the words, illuminated by lights, was written,' Will you Marry Me'? Will Iris say, yes?
Celebrations Galore!
Iris had tears in her eyes. Yes, they have been together only for a few months, but all this felt so natural. Somehow they were destined to be together! Spending just a few months together made them feel they had already spent a lifetime together.
Iris was also feeling teeny-tiny butterflies in her stomach. Was she doing the right thing? Was it happening a little too fast? She was in love with Thomas, and she had no second thoughts about it! And when she nodded her approval, she knew in her heart that she was doing the right thing!
Thomas was elated, and so was Iris. They were beginning a new phase of life, and they couldn't wait to share the news with the rest of the world. Will they really get married?
Iris and Thomas Tie the Knot
Iris and Thomas are so much in love with each other that they couldn't waste any minute in tying the knot. But they knew it was just the beginning, and they had to plan for their future.
Although they wanted to get married, they did not want too much pomp and show at their wedding. Yes, they wanted an intimate wedding with only close friends and family as a company. The wedding was a classy affair with elegant decor, food, frolic, and fun in equal measure.
Iris was looking like a dream in the gorgeous dress ever, and Thomas was dapper in a classy suit. Everyone was enjoying the joyous union of two souls madly in love with each other. There were stars in their eyes as they were planning a future together. Will they be happy together? Let's find that out here.
A Picture-Perfect Marriage
After a perfect honeymoon, the couple hurtled towards reality. Yes, they were dreaming about their life together when reality happened. The couple had to move to a small apartment to begin their life on a new note.
While many people doubted their whirlwind romance, Iris and Thomas nixed the naysayers and continued to build their life together with love and care. They spent quality time with each other as much as possible.
Their entire life was ahead of them, and they didn't want to miss out on precious moments together. There was so much to plan, like a better job for Thomas, renovating their home, moving to a better place in the future, their children, etc. Thomas wanted to be successful professionally so that he could afford everything that would keep his wife happy!
The Couple with a Perfect Life
The beautiful couple looked like a perfect couple who could do no wrong! Iris the beautiful girl, who was sartorially always the elegant one, in her beautiful attires and Thomas, a young and hard-working man who was planning for the perfect future?
The couple looked like the quintessential couple who could do no wrong. But will their picture-perfect life stay that way forever? Was their life looking too good to be true?
Maybe there would be some troubles coming their way which may disrupt their life? We wonder whether their love is enough to conquer all troubles, big and small. Life can throw up unexpected twists and turns, and if you don't have the experience to counter them, you may end up in a deep soup. Our protagonist may be well-equipped to handle them. Well, we have to read on to find out, right?
Their First Big Purchase
After a few months of being married, they were ready to take the next big leap together -owning a house that they could call their own! But finding the right property is easier said than done! And that was the case with Iris and Thomas too.
However, not to give in easily, they kept their search on until they found a place that matched the expectations of their dream home. But that property needed a bit of renovation, and the couple was ready to invest in it too. They felt a strong and a strange connection with this property and wanted to make it their new home.
While Iris got busy renovating the place, Thomas was occupied with work. Things were moving the way they wanted to, but the sail wasn't as smooth as they thought it would be! While the couple was busy planning their future together, life had other plans.
Thomas gets the pink slip
Thomas spent most of his waking hours working, and that soon got him noticed by the who's who at work. He got called to an executive meeting, and Thomas couldn't be a happier man. He thought that it was finally time for him to get that much-awaited promotion and raise. However, things went downhill, and the meeting's outcome wasn't anything like he had planned.
He was fired and was asked to pack his things and leave. Thomas was now stuck with a new home, the renovation expenses, and no job! Both Iris and Thomas were taken aback by this new development, and how their plans to stay together forever was changing.
Their dreams of a happily ever after were collapsing in front of their eyes like a house of cards. How could this ever happen to them? They were devastated, but they were willing to put up a good fight. Thomas was young and ambitious, and he had the determination to fight against all the challenges.
Trouble Alert - Money Problems
Thomas lost his job, and their income kept dwindling. The couple had initially planned that Iris would be a homemaker while Thomas would be their breadwinner. But their financial situation was now rocky as most of their savings went into renovating their home.
Their steady income had stopped, and now they were clueless on how to keep the show going. Thomas kept on reassuring Iris that things would turn out alright and he would get a job, in fact, a better job.
Now they were spending their time looking for the perfect job. Will they find the job they were looking for? Will their life take a new turn? Or will they continue to experience financial troubles? Let's find all about it here.
The Job Hunting Continues
While their job hunt was still on, the couple tried numerous money-saving hacks to avoid going broke. Thomas strived hard to find the perfect job. He spent his waking hours going through newspapers, job portals, and every source to land a job but in vain.
He gave his fullest at every job interview, hoping he would get the offer and his fate would take a turn for the better. But the testing times were far from over. However, after a few failed attempts, he found a well-paying job that would help him get back on his feet. He knew that his days of struggle would soon be a thing of the past, and he could lead a happy and comfortable life with his beloved Iris.
He couldn't stop smiling, thinking of how happy his wife would finally be. The couple couldn't stop dreaming about the wonderful days that the future has in store for them with this new job offer coming their way. But, will the job be the savior they think it is? Will it end all their troubles?
More Travel Less Time
The new job came in with a lot of excitement and challenges. And Thomas made sure to give his best at work. While Thomas continued to excel in sales, the new job involved a lot of travel. This means he began spending most of the days in travel than he did at home. While he gave his wife a comfortable life, he wasn't there by her side on most days. And he had to spend more and more days away from his lovely wife and concentrate on his work.
Iris saw less and less of him. However, Thomas assured his wife that he would cut back on traveling and concentrate more on her and their relationship. But things didn't go out as planned, and Thomas became more involved in work and its nitty-gritty.
He had to be away from his city and hop to different cities, attending various conferences and meetings. While his professional life started looking up, his personal life took a beating. Will Iris understand the demands of his new job?
Extensive Traveling Still On the Cards
Extensive traveling made him distraught. He knew he was traveling too much, affecting his relationship with Iris. But it was his job, and after he had lost his previous one, he couldn't lose this one too.
He had to give a hundred percent to this job to maintain their current lifestyle. They didn't have much of a chance. The first year of marriage has already been fraught with some major difficulties, and Thomas did not want to repeat the same.
This can be one of the major reasons that can cause a major wedge in their relationship. Are the young couple equipped to handle this kind of pressure? Well, we don't know that, but we certainly would like to know what happens in the life of Iris and Thomas?
New Job New Success
While money has been a major problem for them, owing to the job loss, it was finally hunky-dory in Iris and Thomas's home. Iris went back to concentrating on doing up their home. While Thomas traveled from one person to another, Iris was gradually settling down into her old rhythm. Iris wanted to support Thomas in this way.
While Iris was doing her best to do up their home, Thomas concentrated on his career, also doing fairly well for himself as he got a raise not once but twice. But is this the calm before the storm?
Will Thomas's flourishing career affect their relationship? Is there a price to pay for his success? Thomas and Iris were gradually drifting apart, and they still didn't know its implications or connotations. Driven by circumstances, they hardly knew how to get out of this situation?
The Side Effects of Success
Although the newly-weds tried their best to stay connected over social media, things weren't the same as before. Iris felt lonely, in the beautifully decorated home, with all the amenities she could pack in.
The home was empty without Thomas. Somehow she couldn't feel as-loved as before. Not one to wallow in self-pity, Iris couldn't help think about the fate of this marriage. Will Thomas ever understand that she needed him to be there for her?
On the other hand, Thomas believed that if he put in as much work as before, he may get a promotion and cut down on his travel. While he kept waiting for that time, it never came, and he slipped into a deeper abyss of work and more work. Will they ever find that perfect, perfect work-life balance again?
Were They Going For Splitsville?
Years passed, and the couple started drifting apart. Sometimes they felt like they were strangers, and obviously, things went worse as they couldn't quite bring themselves up to bridge the ever-widening gap.
Iris was feeling Thomas does not understand her problems, and Thomas thought that Iris isn't supporting him enough to reach his goals. Thomas was feeling the effects of spending too much time working the entire time. He was often feeling too tired and too wired to concentrate on anything else apart from work.
The couple kept growing further and further apart, and things came to another turn when Thomas had to travel for work to Paris. Will Thomas go away again? Or will he finally realize that Iris wanted his company, now more than ever? Well, Thomas knew he had to go on this work trip as the company depended on him to close the deal. Which side will he choose now?
Thomas Finally Realizes What He Has To Do
Iris was unable to see the light of the end of the tunnel. Their relationship was reeling under the effect of this long-distance marriage, and Iris wanted an end to this constant struggle. She was fed up with this relationship and was wondering how she could stop Thomas from drifting away.
She sent an ultimatum to Thomas. Thomas realized that he had to keep everything on the back-burner and focus on his marriage again. He will have to find work closer home. He knew he has been working hard to reach a certain position, and now he was sure he could find a workplace that will value his experience and competence.
Thomas finally takes a decision that will stand the couple in good stead. He was feeling all excited about his decision, and he was thinking of going back home right into Iris's arms, and everything will be back to their happy and carefree days.
Thomas Was All Set To Carry Out His Plan
Thomas was happy and excited about his new plans. He knew he had to set them into motion. He began hunting for jobs once again began. Thomas began applying for different companies and evaluate their offers with care. He was all set to spring a surprise on his lovely wife.
But he did not tell her about it as he wanted it to be a surprise for her! He was even planning to gift her something. However much he was planning to turn things around, will everything get back to what it was before? Will he be able to get his marriage back on its tracks?
Well, we don't know yet. Let's find that out in our next segment, shall we? Will Iris and Thomas be back as a couple in the real sense of the word?
Wish the Couple Communicate More
Although Thomas had the right intentions to save his marriage, destiny had other plans for them. His decision to get back everything on track for her met with a roadblock, and he ended up making a major mistake.
As he was constantly ignoring her, Iris felt neglected. She knew she had to do something to stop this feeling of utter helplessness that she was feeling. Thomas, in his enthusiasm to save his marriage and plan everything, left Iris in the dark.
She ultimately took a decision that would not only affect their lives but change the course of their lives forever. What did she do? that finally ended up inserting the final nail in their coffin? Was Iris having an affair? Or was Thomas flirting with danger? Let us find that out in the next segment.
Was Thomas Completely Faithful to Iris?
Thomas was constantly traveling, and in his travels, he was also meeting up with gorgeous women. So will Thomas finally cave into temptations? Maybe one of those countless women that he met with will be too much for him to handle.
While he was also feeling lonely on the work trips, he wanted to seek solace in someone's arms and comfort. With his constant tussle with Iris, he looked for someone with whom he could share his innermost thoughts. Constant travel was making it impossible for him to reveal everything to Iris. Gadgets could only do as much. Thomas was also a good-looking and charismatic man.
Women fell for him without him even batting an eyelid. Will Thomas move into dangerous territories and break the sanctity of marriage, or is Iris's love strong enough to stop him from straying?
Will Temptation Get the Better of Thomas?
Thomas was trying to tie all loose ends and return to Iris, it was his penultimate trip, and he knew that this was his last chance to set things right now and forever. However, Iris was not complying with his plans. She was fed up and wanted a solution to his constant travel and distant behavior.
She was frustrated and wanted an end to these constant oscillations. This caused a major strain on their already frail-bond. Iris started lashing at Thomas, blaming him for concentrating more on his career than their marriage. Thomas was also feeling the heat of this constant skirmish. He wasn't getting any peace either from work or at home.
Finally, to let off some steam, he went to a bar to down his sorrow in some heady drinks. There he met up with a beautiful, mysterious stranger. Will Thomas capitulate to the alluring stranger's charm?
A Clandestine Affair on the Radar?
Thomas could feel that he was attracted to this beautiful stranger. He spent hours talking to her, pouring out his heart to her. He felt he could finally talk to someone and get rid of the load on his heart. Sure, she was a stranger, but she was a good listener, and he wanted just that someone who could listen to his woes.
The night was young, and he had plenty to share with her. The bar was gradually getting empty, but Thomas and the mysterious lady had eyes and ears for only each other. Thomas turned a deaf ear to Iris's messages. Here was someone who would listen to him without judging him and blaming him for everything he was doing. Thomas felt the strange stirring of excitement in the pit of his stomach.
Yes, he was courting temptation, but he was chasing something that felt new and yet exciting for him. The bar closed its shutters, and the woman invites Thomas to her apartment. Should he go? He was feeling the burden of his inner turmoil.
He loved Iris, or Didn't He?
Thomas was attracted to this young and beautiful lady who offered him something that could drown his sorrows, okay, maybe only for one night. He finally felt something that had eluded him for months. But he loved Iris, didn't he?
He was uncertain. Marriage wasn't that bed of roses he thought it was. Thomas had given his all to this relationship, but it left him drained now. He was intoxicated, and he thought he would give himself one chance to forget everything, that one night when he won't have to think about anything, neither his work nor Iris.
He finally relented and gave into temptation. Yes, he cheated, and in the morning, the harsh rays of the morning sun broke into his stupor. Thomas knew he had cheated, and whether it was under the influence of alcohol or something else. He had done wrong to Iris and his marriage. He vowed never to cross that path again.
A Photo Update That Causes a Stir
A few weeks after his first major mistake, Thomas finally decided not to tell Iris anything. He was feeling too guilty as it is. He knew he still loved her, but he let circumstances dictate his actions. Thomas knew that he shouldn't have done that, and if he feels so bad, imagine how Iris will feel if she gets to know about his one-night stand?
Thomas wanted to give her the big news that this trip would be the last one for him. He couldn't wait to see the look on her face when he told her that he could now give her and the marriage all the attention it needs! Iris was excited too, and the couple gradually started building back their marriage brick by brick.
Iris was so happy that she sent Thomas a photo, and their equation changed, once again! Whether for worse or better, well, let's find out in the next segment.
A Simple Photo With Major Implications
The photo was very simple, not much different from the photos that Iris sends him, but one glaring thing caught his attention.
It was a picture of Iris in a fitted white top and high waist blue jeans, looking into the camera and looking alluring with her mouth curving into a hint of a smile. Thomas loved to see her like this, there was a radiance emanating from her, and she looked gorgeous, even happy!
But even with that perfect picture, Thomas couldn't ignore that one small anomaly. Yes, it was small, but it was telling, and Thomas felt sick in the pit of his stomach. Suddenly all the dreams he and Iris had started building crashed down again. No, this was not happening, not to him! What was there in the image that made him feel the way that he was feeling?
Something Wrong In A Candid Photo
Iris was all decked up as she posed for a lovely picture for the husband. She looked graceful and charming, exactly how she did while they were still dating. She kept thinking about what would be his reaction when he would see her in that picture.
‘Will he remember the good old times? Will he attempt once again to sweep me off my feet’? She kept wondering, and her heart beat faster.
Thomas went back to his younger days on seeing the picture. After college, responsibilities engulfed him, and it was then that he had met Iris. The eyes spoke a thousand words, and he gazed at her for long. While everything reminded him of the pleasantries the couple shared, there was one little thing that went amiss from Iris. It sent Thomas into a tizzy. But what was it?
Where Was The Wedding Ring?
Thomas knew that was the end. He was inconsolable as he understood the end to their relationship drew nearer. One look at the picture, and no one would be able to guess what was wrong with it or what made him speculate so much.
Upon close delving, it was the wedding ring of Iris that she’s no longer adorned. ‘But why? Is there someone else in her life? Does the union not carry any meaning for her anymore?’ His face went red, and he was short of words. His mind raced to search for the answers, but no avail.
He could feel his world falling apart. A man might be too egoistic, but nothing can make him feel more defeated than the love of his life no longer being with him. He knew he was overthinking, but what if he’s right?
Thomas Was Heart-Broken
Perhaps things will never be the same again. And Thomas has to come to terms with a reality he was not prepared to embrace. He stared at the photo for long and didn’t feel like doing anything else. It was like his world turned upside down. The dreams, aspirations, and everything surrounding Iris seemed like a lie to him.
His flight was scheduled for the next day. However, he was in two minds about whether he should make a return or stay back there. Looking from the glass panes, he was wondering how he would face Iris.
And he reached home, how would things unfold between them? Perhaps he would lose his cool or break down. Or would he keep quiet and wait for Iris to open up? He was unsure. The only thing he knew was that life would never be the same ever again!
Forgive? Umm, Let Me Think First!
Distance often makes the heart grow fonder or rips it apart, and it’s the latter that holds true for Iris and Thomas. Without wasting a moment, he reached home and confronted his wife. She was taken aback initially but knew the truth would eventually come out.
For a moment, she kept silent, thinking of how Thomas came to know about it at all. But later, she admitted to having got entangled in a messy affair with someone who filled the void left by Thomas. She knew from the start it was a mistake, but she required a shoulder to lean on.
Thomas had suspected so. But what will happen now? Cheating is a crime, and no excuse can justify the need to indulge in it. Would he be able to forgive his wife? His pride is wounded now, and there’s no way he would be able to trust Iris again. But has he been correct himself?
Let's Part Ways
In the grip of anger, Thomas blurted many things before his wife that Iris never expected to hear from him. But at that moment, he also confessed to the crime he had done. Iris couldn’t take it anymore. She called him a hypocrite, and that’s true.
They were filled with hatred, anger, and a deep-seated feeling of being betrayed. Some mistakes are blunders and can lead to huge penalties. They knew they wouldn’t be able to get past their realities.
So the ‘once-perfect’ couple decided to split. Not that they ever thought of getting a divorce, but fate often has other plans. While they made this drastic decision out of extreme anger, maybe that was the best decision they could have taken at that time. Life is truly unpredictable, and sometimes it’s best to leave it to destiny.
Iris Moved Out Of The City, And Thomas Too
With broken hearts, the duo decides to part and be happy in their ways. That’s exactly why Thomas went back to his old position in foreign lands.
There was a time when he felt guilty of having devoted way too much time to work, but now he doesn’t. Also, he felt it would be right to pick up the pieces and start working on his life in a new way. He wanted to keep all his memories with Iris away and begin afresh.
On the other hand, Iris didn’t feel like revisiting the painful memories of their failed marriage. She quickly moved out of the city to pursue fashion and eventually landed a dream job. Now that both are single, they know how difficult it is to come out of a bad episode and get life back on track.
Thomas Chances Upon Someone
Years have passed by, and Thomas is present, one of the most reputed employees in his company. He has done extremely well for himself and quite capable of affording a luxurious lifestyle. His wealth reserves have increased by several notches, and he looks super handsome as always. So why won’t women flock around him?
But his bitter experience hasn’t left his side. He fails to trust women, forget about making a new move in love. When work got over late on a random night, he came back to his plush apartment.
Everything feels empty when there’s no inmate with whom he would share his highs and lows. So he decided to come out and visit the local café beside his house. Out of nowhere emerged a twist in his otherwise dull and drab life! He had a fateful encounter with someone.
Thomas Got Curious
Thomas usually took work back at his home, and he did the same that day. Somehow home didn’t appeal much, and he came to the café, taking his laptop along. He was focused on the screen when he heard someone who sounded amazing.
Within a few seconds, he remembered the lovely physical date that he and Iris had for the first time. Brushing aside such thoughts, he started scrolling through his phone.
There was something mysterious about the voice that kept pulling him. The others seated in the café kept looking back towards the source of the sound. Thomas looked back and saw a young, feisty woman with short, dark-colored hair and side bangs speaking to the waiter. Almost every patron kept ogling at her, for she was such a stunner. Thomas couldn’t see her properly, but his curiosity kept growing.
Thomas Met The Woman Again
Winter is the perfect time to take a stroll at night. Sounds weird? But that’s exactly the case! Ask people covered in their jackets, pullovers, and cardigans, and they would tell you how the Christmas lights are the best companions when everything around is silent and freezing.
Thomas knew the view would be amazing, so he took a different route that day and headed to the café. He was walking silently and kept thinking about how romance had no place in his life. He has healed to a great extent, which made him realize how important it is to mature with time.
Since his divorce, he had only focused on his work and proved his might too. But there are some days that feel dreary, and this was one such day. He went to the café for a much-needed change. And it’s amazing how the encounter had to happen then.
She Was None But Angel
Upon looking back, Thomas was still unsure about who the charming lady was inside the café. He got up from his seat to pay the bill, and little did he expect to bump into Angel. She was his high school love, and they had broken up years back just before landing in college. She had to go abroad for her father got a transfer at his job.
Since then, they were not even in touch. Besides, Thomas soon found Iris as his partner and never had the time to think of her much. Thanks to social media, they knew they were in each other’s friend lists but never communicated beyond the usual greetings.
Birthday posts were mostly where they exchanged wishes to each other, and it never proceeded beyond that. Surprised and lost for words, Thomas felt that encounter was no doubt fateful.
A Much-Awaited Reunion
Much like Thomas, even Angel was highly surprised when she looked at him after so many years. She got a chair for herself and sat down beside him. There was so much to catch up on, and the two could barely stop. She had her own stories, and so did he. Besides, they met after a decade or more. So it’s understandable on their part to get so excited, especially now that they were seated right before each other.
They had to know and learn so much that it just felt like a few days have passed (and not years). Both tried to recollect how they looked when they parted and how much they’ve changed over the years.
The excitement, inquisitiveness, and feel-good vibes were visible on their faces. The conversation drifted to numerous topics; nevertheless, it was a fruitful one.
Angel Coul Feel His Pain
It has been a long time that Thomas sensed human touch, at least from a female. Though he was usually surrounded by a bevy of beauties at his workplace, they never reignited his passion. Also, it was not his first time with Angel either. Yet, he felt a sense of calm, warmth, and attraction for her.
They had spoken so much that evening about life and where they were standing, and somehow. And both of them sensed the need for belongingness. Thomas had admitted to what led to his divorce with Iris, who now had a child after remarrying. Angel was divorced, too, so she understood the pain that Thomas carried within himself.
The connection felt so strong that they didn’t feel like leaving. It came much stronger than anything Thomas felt in these years. It was akin to healing.
Time Up!
The power of love is limitless, which lovers can only decipher. The two got so smitten with each other that they didn’t bother about the place. Their hands were intertwined with each other’s, and the gaze was simply out of the world.
The waitress had to butt in and felt embarrassed herself! She had started eavesdropping on what they conversed with each other but had to stop doing so after a point of time. It was time to close down for the day, and she came to both of them. ‘Time up!’ she said.
The two forgot that it was way past what they planned for the evening but never regretted so. They were grateful to the café owners for allowing them to stay back. But the shock came when they turned their faces around and, much to their dismay, found the café wore a deserted look.
A New Beginning
Little do we realize when a fresh beginning starts occurring or provides us some cues to feel that something amazing awaits us. Angel and Thomas could sense love blossoming in them once again. But they were still skeptical about their feelings and the future of this relationship. So, they decided to take it slow, and it is understandable as Thomas didn't want to rush into things all over again!
Angel smiled at Thomas before leaving and promised to accompany him for visits around the place in the future. They waited for their taxis outside the café and felt something magical. It was as if the lights were conveying a message to them.
These moments are rare, and one must hold on to them. Sadly, they slip away! The taxis came, almost together, and they knew they had to leave. Looking at each other’s hands, they blushed and realized their fingers were still intertwined. Possibly, that’s the beginning of something wonderful.
Wasn't that so heartwarming and relatable on so many levels? This was just a fictitious account of how romance works in the social media world and how we let everything else take precedence over feelings and emotions. An impulse and an act in the wrong direction could ruin lives, and social media gives you ample opportunities to commit the mistake. So, be watchful, do not let the right person slip by!