Always Makes It To The Headlines
The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club is always in the news, and for many reasons. As per resources, the Hells Angels are involved in some activities that are illegal in the eyes of the law. However, they have the reputation of being the outlaws among the public who see them as rulers of the road. But what actually lies behind the curtain? What’s the truth about the members of Hells Angels?
The guys have never come out in the open with what people want to know, but there are a lot of secrets that some know. And if you're curious, we have a few interesting tidbits to share. There is a list of rules that every member of the group is compelled to obey. If they don’t, they will have to face the consequences.
They Won’t Tell You How To Become A Member
Are you contemplating joining Hells Angels? Don’t expect any information from them regarding how to come on board. They won’t tell you anything. Have you ever visited the club’s website? Even if you check the FAQ section in their website, you won't really quite get the answer you need.
However, you should not stay in the dark about what goes on inside the club. You need to make an investment of your time and attention on this if you really want to get to the depth. Don't be discouraged when you read this from their website: "If you have to ask, you will probably not understand the answer."
Is It Just A Hang Around?
So, how do you become a member? Because of how exclusive it is, the only way for you to be even considered is when you get invited to what members call a "hang around". What is it, exactly? You get an invitation to hang out with all the members who have been inducted into the club.
Basically, you get an opportunity to gel with others. This is also a way all the fellow members will measure each other to find whether one has the zeal and ability to fit in the scheme of things or not. Banking on that, all future decisions will be based on the "hang around".
Attending Events is Vital
Once you have accepted an invitation for a hang around, you won’t be able to change your mind. Attending events plays a very crucial role if you are bidding for a Hells Angels membership. Charter members have some serious intentions about the club and that is pretty evident.
This implies that once you have already given your nod to the invitation, you can’t back out at any cost. If you are thinking that you can manage things, later on, you are highly mistaken. No investment of money and time will be considered.
It’s All About Brotherhood
Members who accept the invitation for a hangout and fail to turn up is frowned upon by the group. Those who wish to become a member of Hells Angels must realize that it’s all about brotherhood. The club is like a family.
When you do not take part in the family’s get-together, it is considered as a sign of disrespect and that has great value. It doesn’t matter if you are an old member or have joined the club recently. Once you have agreed to turn up, you must attend irrespective of anything. You have to come even if you are not keeping good health.
The Official Merchandise Of Hells Angels Is Not Just A Fashion wear Collection
The official T-shirts or vests that have the club logo on them aren’t just fashion clothing items. They have great significance and one must show proper respect. You should never put on the gear to make your Hells Angels membership secured. It doesn’t happen like that at all.
There is a no-impersonation rule of the club that you must strictly follow. If you act otherwise, the club will retaliate and you certainly wouldn’t like that to happen. So, be careful about this. No lawyer can bail you out of this. You should know this.
If You Want To Impress, Don’t Offend
You just can’t put on a Hells Angels gear just like that. Only the registered members are allowed to do so — not anyone else outside the club. The official merchandise isn’t for random people or for someone who is trying out different ways to get into the club. It most definitely is not a Halloween costume.
Until and unless you get on board and become an official member, you don’t have the authority to associate yourself with the club’s gear. Neither can you sew the logo on an ordinary vest or a T-shirt. Young college-going people often have this attitude. If you are trying to impress the club, don’t offend them by any means.
You Can’t Talk About Missing Members
The members of Hells Angels share a deep bond with each other. The strength of the brotherhood appears strong even to those who are not members, and those who belong to the club know how strong a camaraderie they share.
You have to be a part of the group if you really want to experience how people make investments in friendship within this group. But, there is a rule that Hells Angels has dished out for all the members. What does it state? You can’t discuss the absent members openly, no matter what the circumstances are.
You Have To Keep Mum On Disappearing Members
As a member of Hells Angels, you are not entitled to share your feelings or thoughts about a fellow member in front of outsiders. That makes sense. However, it doesn’t end there. You have to maintain silence on those club members who have disappeared. This is a step that the club has taken to maintain privacy.
This can also be considered as a step to keep each other away from a lawyer who might use that against you. Therefore, if you can’t keep secrets to yourself, your chances of getting inducted are null. No discussion about your brothers with outsiders.
Each Hells Angels Charter Has Its Own Territory Marked
You are already aware by now that the first and foremost thing that matters here is respect. This is applicable to both in as well as out of a charter. To put this in simple terms, you must have high respect for your fellow members or motorcyclists.
In case one charter has marked a particular area as its own territory, then other members of a different chapter must respect the boundary drawn. No questions asked. Every member, be it a college student or an older individual, must have high regard for all the club charters.
Only Members From A Charter Can Hang Out In Their Own Territory
Only the members, belonging to a particular charter that has marked its own territory, can hang out in their designated space. No one else can. Though you can ride through said territory, you don’t have the authority to stop, hang around, or do any activity in a marked territory.
This is a strict law that every member should comply with. The purpose of marking territory is to let others know that they can’t hang out there and it is expected that you will show respect.
Hells Angels Can Get Into A Fight With Other Gangs
The members of the club have high regard for each other and there is no iota of doubt with that. However, Hells Angels are not the one and only motorcycle gang on the face of this planet. There are, in fact, several motorcycling clubs that roam around the streets. You might even know a few of them!
Hells Angels often have to fight with those gang members to take full control of the territory they have eyed. The members of a gang have no intentions to share a particular territory with the members of other gangs. And so, there are often territorial disputes among gangs.
The Unwritten Rule
Though there is no stated rule about controlling an area, motorcycle clubs such as the Hells Angels, the Outlaws, and the Bandidos have a sort of understanding among each other that only one out of these clubs can have full control over a specific area. That's just the way it works, and it's convenient for everyone involved.
When this understanding is broken, a fight ensues and that isn’t pleasant. If a rival biker appears in your area, then the fight for dominance starts. No one thinks about their own health. It’s the reputation, your love, and your devotion towards your gang that matters.
You Need To Be A Good Human Being
Hells Angels might come across as a tough motorcycle gang. But that’s not what it is all about. It’s not only about cruising along the streets and controlling the marked areas. You also need to be a good human being at heart. Aside from respecting your brothers, you need to respect humanity and be kind to others.
There are a number of charters of Hells Angels that believe in charity and make the effort to contribute. You need to give back to society. That includes shelling out from your banks to help someone in need. This happens to be the criteria for a Hells Angels membership.
Helping The Communities
You may witness a motorcycle contingent, with members donning a leather jacket and looking cool, dropping in at the bars and restaurants in your locality many a time. But there is more to these groups that are not always visible from the outside.
Hells Angels have this habit of doing something good for the communities they are a part of or ride through. Some have their own charities for which they have a particular sum of money kept aside in their bank accounts. Some also spend time with children and adults who are in need. It just goes to show that even the toughest-looking people have a heart of gold.
The Golden Rule
Just like the golden rule you were asked to follow in your school, the members of Hells Angels also have to do the same and that is, treat others the way you want to be treated.
So, if you had no issues abiding by it during your school days or in college, you should have no problems whatsoever in following the rule as an adult, right? The members never forget to stick to it when it comes to their fellow members or someone who doesn’t belong to their charter.
The Members Are Warm Towards Everyone
There is a code that every Hells Angels member follows. Treat everyone with respect as long as they give the same back. Journalists who have had the opportunity to have a talk with them or interview them have revealed that the members have often been warm and respectful towards them.
Those who stay in the same neighborhood as the motorcyclists have also vouched for this fact. In case anyone is disrespectful towards the members or disregards them, they will certainly get paid back in their own coins. Any money in your bank account can’t buy you respect.
Protecting The Brand
Hells Angels is a brand and it’s the members’ responsibility to protect it at any cost. The logo is nothing short of an honor that only members are bestowed upon. No one else outside the club can sport the club logo and use the club merchandise just like that.
The gang is pretty serious about its branding and they will leave no stone unturned to make sure that no misuse happens. If the members are portrayed in the wrong way by the media, the club won’t take it nicely. They might even appoint an attorney to fight for their cause.
For Them Public Image Is Important
The Hells Angels members can go through great lengths to defend the club’s public image. They have even done everything possible to shut down companies that have put them in the wrong light. The gang had probably also taken the help of a lawyer to legally sue the authorities.
They won’t shy away from retaliating if they find anyone trying to portray them in a way that harms their reputation. Many don’t know that Hells Angels have taken legal steps against Disney for releasing Wild Hogs, the flick which revolves around bikes and motorcycle gangs.
There Is A Lot Of Riding Involved
The members of the motorcycle club have plenty of responsibilities to shoulder. But, if you become a bona fide member of Hells Angels, you shouldn’t have any issue with the rule that needs you to ride a lot with your brothers from the gang. No laziness from your side will be entertained.
You have to stay active all round the clock and put on your biking gear whenever the gang decides to hit the streets. This rule is supposed to promote brotherhood and strengthen bonding. Therefore, be ready to make a lot of investments of time and energy.
33 Miles Of Bike Ride Each Day
If the data given on the Hells Angels website are to be considered, the charters cover over 12,000 miles on their bikes throughout a year. If you do a calculation, it comes to approximately 33 miles in a day. Well, the gang doesn’t go out biking from Monday through Sunday every week.
But, you have to stay prepared and leave everything on the back burner in order to go out on a long cruise. If you are an aficionado of bikes and have a penchant for riding, being on your bike for long hours should be a piece of cake. Just make sure that you have your auto insurance done.
You Can Only Ride A Harley
If you are contemplating joining the Hells Angels, then you should go ahead with your investment in the motorcycle that you will be allowed to ride. You are supposed to ride not any other random bike, but a Harley Davidson. No compromise on that front. The gang is very specific with that.
This is a common rule for all the Hells Angels riders. So, now that you know which bike you should be eyeing, start saving money so that you can hit the streets with your fellow gang members on it. It will be a royal sight to behold, isn’t it?
There Is An Exception
The common rule for the Hells Angels gang is that riders must have a Harley Davidson. However, there is an exception and that depends on which Hells Angels charter you are joining. Few charters will allow you to ride another bike, but the brand has to be American. It can’t be anything else.
The brand which is acceptable aside from a Harley is a Buell. You might be amused to know that Buell is nothing but a subsidiary of Harley. Isn’t that funny? So, all you need to do now is save as much money you can in your bank account to afford whichever of these two brands before your big ride.
Is It Possible To Set Up A Hells Angels Charter Of Your Own?
It is definitely not an easy task to start a Hells Angels charter of your own. But, it isn’t impossible. The website of the club points out that setting up a different charter is time-consuming. It says that motorcycle clubs are formed when people have gone out on rides together for many years.
Aside from that, they need to reside in the same neighborhood, have their own identity in the community they belong to, and have promoted the brotherhood. It’s a long-term investment and a charter can’t be formed overnight. Therefore, you can go ahead only when you have a proper backup.
How To Become An Official Part Of The Hells Angels Brand?
If you have a motorcycle community and wish it to be a part of the Hells Angels brand, there is a certain criterion and that is, your community has to have years of riding experience together. This is perhaps the reason why the website of Hells Angels doesn’t give you any clue about how to join the club and become a member.
Once your community has the requisite experience, you wouldn’t have to enquire about joining. You will be automatically inducted. So, be ready to pour some bucks from your bank account on your rides.
Don’t Keep Correcting Everyone's Grammar
This is not an English class and therefore, you don’t need to have any issue with their grammar. Many say that the word Hells should have an apostrophe before s. After all, in this grammatical context, the angels hail from hell and so having an apostrophe there makes sense.
The connection will be quite evident to the outsiders. But, the club thinks otherwise and doesn’t care to correct that. They don’t care about correct punctuation whatsoever! Hells Angels prefer to stick to only one spelling. After all, banking on it has given them so much popularity.
The Club Cares A Fig About Grammar
The motorcycle club has its own set of rules and they strictly follow them. There are no ifs and buts. As far as grammatical errors are concerned, the club doesn't put much importance to that. It happened many a time that people pointed out the missing apostrophe on its official website.
Hells Angels have been so adamant that they have shut people up by saying that it’s actually not their headache and the spelling would remain so, come what may. According to the website, there is no need to rectify. If you want to make some investments in good bonding with the members, you better not argue.
There's A Dress Code Too?
When the process of your induction into the Hells Angels gang is initiated, you receive the priceless accessory that you have always dreamt of laying your hands on - a vest that has the Hells Angels insignia and name on it.
The purpose of this is to show everyone who you are with when you hit the road. The name of the brand will set you apart from the rest. It’s indeed coveted by those who want to join the gang and respected by members. However, this is not the only item that is on the must-wear list.
Different Dress Codes For Different Charters
Each charter of Hells Angels has different dress codes and certain prohibitions. While some charters bar their members from wearing shorts on rides, some charters ask their members to not wear anything color other than black. So, things differ from one charter to another.
Others might allow the motorcyclists to wear denim as well as camouflage prints. Banking on these rules, members from one charter can recognize members from another charter easily. Having significant dress codes for each charter can help people to distinguish among charters. This is indeed effective in a lot of ways.
The Members Follow A Definite Order
You will never see the riders from Hells Angels breaking the order while riding the streets. They cruise down the highway smoothly and in a group. As a matter of fact, they tend to take almost the whole road. They are so huge in numbers sometimes. And the roar of their giant motorcycles is head-turning.
However, despite the fact that there so many bikes zooming down the road, there is never chaos. Everything is in order. They certainly practice amongst themselves and make several investments of time and energy to maintain this perfection. It is actually a scene to behold when they are on the roads.
Leader of the Pack
When the bikers from Hells Angels ride, the captain and the president of the Hells Angels charter lead the way, while the other riders follow behind. The rest of the bikers follow in line as per their personal rankings and seniority positions.
The new members follow their seniors respectfully and lag behind, and the other people who are about to join the popular group, further behind, perhaps waiting to join the other senior members someday. The group is a stickler for rules and ensures everyone, right from new joiners or seniors, follows it to the T.
Say No to Another Club
If you are toying about the idea of joining the Hells Angels, well you should give it deep consideration. Joining the Hells Angels is not something you do frivolously.
The organization stands for brotherhood and a strong sense of solidarity. Once you have made up your mind, there is no place for second thoughts. You can join this one and not think of joining any other organization in the near future. The club ensures you join the group and stay there for good, and you stand for the core idea of the group.
Exclusive Support

Hells Angels believe if you are part of this club, you shouldn't be part of any other groups, other clubs, other gangs, especially if you do not understand the relationship that binds the two groups. If you do not understand the importance of loyalty and brotherhood, then you should steer clear from joining the group.
Also, when you join the group (or any other group for that matter), you have to stick to a particular ideology and not get swayed by the ideologies of other people or groups. It is always great to stick to what you know and are familiar with.
Shhh, It's a Secret!
The most striking part about the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club is its mysteriousness. Yes, people don't know much about this type of organization and the founders like to maintain the mysteriousness of the organization. The members like to maintain the element of surprise so they like to keep the scheduled activities under wraps.
The only way you find that they are riding is when they hit the roads in their rider's gear on their fancy bikes, making their presence felt on the road. Yes, their bike rides stir a lot of curiosity among onlookers who want to know a little more about the bikers who are out and about the road in serpentine queues.
No Press Policy
The Hells Angels has a full-proof internal policy, and each member of the group has to abide by it. Riders also keep mum about the ins and outs of the club and the way it works in an attempt to protect their image and others.
Well, the organization believes that the only way to protect their novelty is that they must keep the rules and regulations under the wraps. The organization believes that its policies are their own and shouldn't be confused with any other. Therein lies their unique quality, their rules, and regulations.
Not Just An Accessory
The vest of the Hells Angels is a powerhouse accessory and any new member who gets to be a part of the biker's group wears it with enormous pride. Anyone who is a part of this group knows for sure that it isn't easy being part of this exclusive group.
Once someone is part of the group, nothing gives a person more pleasure than to wear the vest which helps them get a sense of belongingness. A membership in Hells Angels gives them a feeling of pride and solidarity, one that they can show by wearing the special vest.
You are fond of wearing the vest and may even feel a sense of solidarity to the outfit that is synonymous with Hells Angels, but this extreme fondness is shared by one and all. The devotion to this outfit is shared by most members and in certain cases may even refuse to part with it.
There are Hells Angels members who do not want to part with it even if the situation demands them to part with it such as in life and death conditions. This embroidered gear means the world to each and every member and they flaunt it with great pride and honor.
Being a Member Isn't Easy
If you think you want to be a part of Hells Angels, you need to set the ball rolling for that. A newbie's association with the Hells Angels can take a long time and there are various phases that a person has to undergo before they can finally become a part of this sought-after bikers group.
Of course not everyone may be able to make the cut and some may be left lagging behind but then, it is a privilege to be part of this club, and if you have to try it, then you need to give it your all.
The Vote That Matters
Being part of a club of the stature of Hells Angels means you have to go through several steps or rituals to make the final cut. After you follow all the rules and tick off all the pre-membership rituals, you get the final approval when a democratic vote is cast in your favor.
This step is to bring forward the brotherhood mentality that Hells Angels stands for. So, you may get a foot in if you are approved by the people who matter. However, if the majority of people do not approve of you, then your dreams of being part of Hells Angels will get squashed.
Chores for New Members
The Hells Angels are a lot like some of the similar fraternities who are all for hazing. The newbies have to do certain chores that the permanent members would never think of doing.
For example, the new entrants will do all the arrangements, putting things in order before the meeting actually takes place. These kinds of duties are mostly reserved for the newbies, who learn on the go, before reaching the position of the more experienced and senior members. Even the senior members have reached their way to the top after going through these initial drills.
The Hazing Process
Hazing at the Hells Angels cannot be easy. The process or phase may seem tough for the struggling new entrants. At one point it may even turn out to be violent, and it may lead to the involvement of another rule.
Apparently, if you are trying to be a member of the club, you may have to stand up against the senior members who haze you, which may ruin the prospects for you. Giving in to your violent or rebellious nature may finally prove to be your undoing. Alternatively, if you sail through the hazing phase, you will be able to be a part of this elite biker group.
Website Off-limits for Outsiders
Even if you are a tough cookie, the members of the Hells Angels aren't someone you should mess with. You should not rile a member just because you may not like somebody. You cannot even access the website of the club.
The website is strictly off-limits for people who are outsiders, except in exceptional cases. The Hells Angels take their privacy very seriously, and messing with them will usually mean you have to pay for the consequences. You have to be careful, especially if you are seeking information about this group.
Written Permission is Required
The website of the Hells Angels mentions in no mean terms that if you are trying to establish and/or operate links to this website, you need to seek the permission of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club.
And if you do seek permission, it will be only for a short time period as the members may withdraw the permission any time they deem appropriate. Just be extra careful if you are trying to unravel information about this secretive and exclusive bikers club. Well, as they say, it is better to be safe than sorry.
Organization Comes First
Let's say you have been able to achieve the unattainable — become a part of the Hells Angels charter. The road ahead is not very easy. The fraternity members expect you to perform your duties very seriously, and sometimes may expect you to put forward your duties towards the organization before other things that hold any importance to you.
Of course, the memberships come with a plethora of perks and you may also get to exercise your right to vote. Just take this honor pretty seriously and ensure you keep the club as the first priority.
Club Comes First
You cannot just become a part of the club and forget all your duties towards the organization. As you become a part of the group, it not only becomes your hobby, but it also becomes your duty as it becomes your only focus. If you are someone who likes to dabble in myriad things and pursue many interests, this may not be quite the thing you are looking for.
Yes, your focus should be on the Hells Angels and the activities of Hells Angels. The rest of your interests will have to take a backseat. Unfortunately, the wives and partners will also have to accept the fact.
No Cop Can Join The Club
Will the cops will able to cater to the needs of the Hells Angels? Not really. Even if you are a cop who likes to patrol the neighborhood on bikes. Looks like the cops cannot get a foot inside the universe of the Hells Angels. There is in fact a special rule meant for the police.
If you are a member of the police force, you have no place in the Hells Angels. The same rules apply to the prison guards, too. In fact, any laws for law enforcement will stop you from being a member of the group.
Law Makers Or LawBreakers?
There is an ongoing love-hate relationship with the police. Some of the charters can indulge in illegal activities. Even if they are not actually doing something illegal, club members are said to be a stickler of their own rules and the rules they follow may not turn out to be pro-police.
So, it may not be feasible to have someone in the police joining their members-only group. Chances are there would be constant tussle about the rules and regulations between the other members and the lawmakers. That way, members of the police fraternity are best left outside.
Raucous Meetings
The meetings between the Hells Angels can seldom be peaceful. Whether it is the engine-revving tactics on roads or their raucous meetings, the meetings can turn out to be just the opposite of what a simple peaceful meeting can look like.
Also, they need to follow certain guidelines as to how exactly the members should behave. The group follows Robert's Rules of Order, the rules which were written way back in 1876 to maintain proper business protocol and ensure that the assemblies are maintained properly. The Hell Angels are about sticking to their intrinsic rules.
Respecting the Written Agenda
Robert’s Rules of Order have certain rules in place and they have regular meetings to ensure the rules are met with regularly. The group has to keep up with the written agenda, while members can come up with their inputs only when the proceedings begin.
In case if a member happens to break a rule, they will have to part with $100 out of their pockets. While the members are very serious about their rules, they also ensure that members follow the rules and not even think about flouting them.
On the Other Side Of The Law
While Hells Angels have their own rules on board, not all members follow the rules set by a higher authority. Yes, since they consider themselves pretty powerful, they hardly believe in sticking to the societal rules and regulations. They may even indulge in illegal activities which may then set them up against police authorities.
So, what if the police start digging up more information about them? Then, they then try to lie low and keep quiet as they wait for the police to stop investigating. This way they can avoid direct confrontation with the police.
Staying Mum is the Policy
The members are pretty loyal to each other, and the group keeps mum when there are investigations or inquiries about a particular member. If they happen to talk to the police or investigator, they may end up giving away a fellow brethren, or in certain cases the entire charters.
So, instead of fanning the fire and making things worse for a particular member of the fraternity or the entire fraternity, they prefer to take the quieter and more sensible way out. This way, they are able to back each other up in terms of distress.
No Tolerance on Substance Abuse

Hells Angels’ criminal activity does not involve substance abuse. In fact, when it comes to drugs, the organization is very strict about the same. They say no to things like needles also, especially the Toronto-based charter.
If any member happens to break the rules, they may have to face the music. Illegal substances are a complete no-no. The members follow the rules and do not plan to disrupt the decorum of the fraternity. Well, that's what elite clubs are all about — they follow the rules and ensure other members of the fraternity follow them, too.
A Complete No-No to Assault
Substance abuse may singularly damage the reputation of the club. It is for this reason that members of the fraternity ensure that nobody, not a single member of the group, flout the ground rules. They are a club that prides itself on its reputation.
They are also pretty strict about harassment and assault issues too. If any of the member riders fail to abide by the basic rules and start abusing banned substances, they are banned from the organization. We are glad to know that such organizations are very strict about rules and maintain them unflinchingly.
Love It Hate It, You Cannot Ignore The Law
The Hells Angels members may have their own rules and regulations, but they are not above the law. Whether they like it or not, they have to follow the rules. Whether they are riding on the road or otherwise, they have to pull over if a cop stops them on the road. The cops can also call ruckus to follow the rules without much ado.
Obviously, the rest of the members of the club give their silent support to the accused member. But they are not one to create unnecessary problems against the police fraternity.
Together We Stand, Together We Fall
The members of the Hells Angels believe in the word "solidarity". If one member of the group is booked for a criminal offense, the other member will pull over and in, certain cases, even sit by the road lending their silent support. All the members of the group may lend their support as a silent protest.
In certain cases, the silent approach may also serve as a tactic to scare the cop away. Whether the cops are successful in booking the member is a different consideration altogether, but we have to appreciate the bond between the members that helps them stand like a rock.
Retirement Not On The Cards
When it comes to becoming a permanent member of the Hells Angels, the process isn't easy as the new member has to undergo a rigorous interview process. When you are part of the group, you are part of it for good, and yes, there isn't any retirement age as such. So, you get to be part of the group for ages.
Of course, if you flout the rules, then perhaps you may get ousted from the group; otherwise, you are in for good. So, it is imperative you take the interview part seriously and qualify for the lifetime membership for the club.
Members Like Family
A lifetime membership involves several benefits for Hells Angel's members, and they become a part of the family. Yes, they are more than just part of motorcycle gangs. And they can take the family connection seriously; they are part of the groups for so long that they harbor a feeling of brotherhood that lasts for a long time beyond the retirement years.
They are family beyond the conventional familial connection. The members are going to be together for years. It is certainly a great blessing for the members who stand beside each other through thick and thin.
Flouting the Rules, Hell No!
You know all about the Hells Angels and their rules; however, they don't have rules for the sake of maintaining rules. They take rules very seriously. Also, everything about the organization is very important to them, even their reputation.
If someone new joins the club, he should follow all the rules and promise to live up to the exalted expectations of the group. If they fail to do that, then will probably have to say goodbye to the club and its many perks. We bet most of the entrants won't like to leave the club after taking so many pains in joining the group.
Follow Or Face the Consequences
The Hells Angels code or, should we say, the motorcyclist's code is for real. If they don't listen to the rules or rather follow the norms, their tattoos get burnt off. Well, the horror stories may be hearsay, but what is more horrible is getting removed from the club.
It's like an honor getting snatched away from you which can prove to be a smudge on your own reputation. Getting a membership in the Hells Angels is supposed to be a lifetime affair and something that most members value the most — they will certainly not like to part with it.
No Place for Charlie's Angels
Hells Angels or Charlie's Angels? Well, most of us will immediately draw a connection between the two. So, do the women get to join the men in the club? Well, the comparisons stop at the names as women are not allowed to join the men on their bike rides. They may not be allowed to ride pillion with the men in their lives.
It's a pity that we won't get to see the women riding with the men. However, it is a rule that had stood the test of time and we are guessing the rule will stay that way in the years to come.