Wow, These Women are STRONG!
In a pretty cool and impressive reversal of classic strength displays, these two freakishly strong women carry these lads with seemingly no effort, garnering admiration from spectators. A reminder that all genders can have physical strength in any body type, these two gals are inspiring and show that being strong doesn't always have to come with the body of a bodybuilder.
Speaking of bodybuilding, the four folks are reminding us of Eugen Sandow. If you didn't know, he's a Victorian bodybuilder who became known as the father of modern bodybuilding. His legacy is still alive and can be felt in this photo.
Living A Dangerous Life
Taking pictures of wildlife can be thrilling—but dangerous! A few people will go to extreme lengths for the perfect shot, risking their safety. What, exactly, is she holding? It could be a deadly jellyfish!
Touching these jellylike creatures, which aren't really fish, can cause stings that may cause muscle cramps, chest pains, excessive sweating, and difficulty breathing. Unfortunately, the severity of the sting can vary, meaning some may cause no harm, while others can be fatal. So, if you must take a picture with wildlife, make sure you don't touch it. Overall, just watch out for dangerous animals wherever you are!
Daydrinking With A Bud Is The Best
Day drinking at the beach for two happy-go-lucky folks sounds like an ideal summer plan. Although some people may not endorse it, the girl in the photo may have been "converted" from a teetotaler to an enthusiast.
With her held down in a deliciously entertaining way and beer poured down her throat, these two surely had a memorable day at the beach. Plus, nothing can stop them from having a good time because it's allowed in certain campgrounds in California. For some, drinking during the day is pretty common; 29% of men and 19% of women said they drank in the daytime on a weekly basis.
The Beach Is Open For Everybody
This photo perfectly encapsulates the notion that there's a place and time for everything. Everyone is dressed for the beach, apart from the man in the foreground, who appears to have thrown something on hastily. This makes for an exciting contrast.
The modern two-piece swimsuit was made famous by Louis Réard, who unveiled the daring design in 1946 at the Piscine Molitor, Paris. Although it had appeared in the 1930s, they were more conservative and usually consisted of shorts and a halter top, generally covering the navel. Thanks to this French automobile engineer and clothing designer, women have more options to choose from.
Grandpa Wanted To Be Included
Sunbathing on the beach has its challenges. Taking a perfect photo? Almost impossible. Nowadays, it seems as if there is an inevitable photobomber everywhere you turn. Viewers everywhere could not help but laugh at this hilarious photo of the women on the beach posing for a picture and having a "grandpa photobomber" add a twist to their shot.
The image receiving over a million views on Imgur, has become the ultimate example of beach photobombing gone wrong! Though it can be challenging to snap a perfect beach photo without someone crashing the shot, the unexpected addition of grandpa made for a genuinely entertaining picture.
That One Isn't A Ghost
Take a second look at this photo; more than just three people are there. This isn't a haunted photo because the woman in the background is barely visible and blends in with the already sand-colored skin. That's why prevention is better than cure.
When planning a day at the beach, you need to remember that ultraviolet radiation, or UV, is particularly strong from around noon to 3 p.m. And so applying enough sunscreen to prevent painful sunburns, the most common beach-related injury is critical. If you want to stay safe in the sun, make sure you get your sun protection on!
The Bikini Parade Set To Break A Record
The thought of competing to break world records sure seems fun. People go to great lengths to make it happen, and this occurred on Gold Coast Beach. 357 beautiful women wearing bikinis for the international bikini parade set out to attain the title. Unfortunately, Panama City and Huludao City, Liaoning China, stole the show.
Panama City initially had 450 participating gals before Huludao City did the unimaginable, with more than a thousand women marching a mile in swimwear. Nonetheless, the Gold Coast Bulletin might not be done yet and could even cook up an event to reclaim the record. We're looking forward to it!
Leaving No One Behind
This photo is a classic example of photobombing! A random guy is successfully posing in the background, making the picture more comical in the process. He looks like he wants to join the gals and is making every effort to be included.
We must give him credit, as it takes serious skill to photobomb flawlessly! He's clearly got what it takes to be a pro at it! Nobody can deny the hilarity of this seemingly carefully planned sabotage. Then again, it's easy to envision him presenting practical advice and giving posing tips to the women, determined not to be left out!
This Is A Great Example Of Fifth Wheeling
Not everyone likes to be a third wheel, so we can understand why this guy looks particularly frustrated being a fifth wheel. His coupled-up friends are undoubtedly having the time of their lives while he wallows in the summer of his loneliness.
In contrast with his coupled-up friends creating beautiful memories, the hopeless (yet funny) romantic in the middle is feeling his single status even more. All the while, the pairs are reaping the rewards of kissing: diminishing stress, improved confidence, a face-lift without the visit to a cosmetic surgeon, and improved mood. Ah, well, who needs love when chocolate exists?
Focused On The Potential Snack
A woman dressed in a bright blue bikini emerged from the sea carrying a bunch of ripe yellow bananas while a family of mischievous monkeys stood by. This was no scene from the "Planet of the Apes," but it was certainly as amusing!
With their muscles tensed, these primates were anticipating a potential snack. However, the woman wasn't letting go of her food. If you didn't know, The "Planet of the Apes" drew inspiration from the smarts and social behavior of chimpanzees. These monkeys could have been banana-sporting ocean swimmers if they had been more creative like those in the science-fiction film!
Smiling Through That Wave
Beach yoga offers a form of zen, and this photo illustrates this somehow. In it, a woman sits poised and undeterred while bracing for a crashing wave about to engulf her. Very few can capture a mixture of peaceful serenity and unyielding strength like that.
Beyond the beauty of the snapshot, practicing yoga on the beach offers many potential benefits. It can activate our natural creativity and invigorate our spirit. As Yoga International puts it, the more we meditate in such a setting, the better we connect to our creative side. So, why not try beach yoga next time you take a holiday near the coast?
Get Yourself A Facekini!
The two women in the photo look like they're about to face off in some kind of oceanic gladiatorial battle. But, in reality, they're just posing for a picture in their facekinis. Originating in China in 2004, these Lycra masks are a type of swimwear that offers protection from both the sun and jellyfish stings while allowing the wearer to have unrestricted movement and visibility in the water.
It's a pretty bizarre-looking fashion statement. But if you don't mind spending your beach days looking like an extra from a futuristic B-movie, the facekini might be the right look for you!
Some Buff Bikini Enthusiasts
It was an ordinary day at the beach until two muscular guys arrived sporting bikinis. It's unsure if they lost a bet or they were feeling particularly brave that day; either way, their future story was bound to reference this unique outing.
For all the men out there who want to broaden their wardrobe, there's never a shortage of daring styles. Bikinis for men are the perfect way to put some spice in your look, and the Steven Even website has plenty to choose from—from mid to low-rise waistlines. It looks like men are ready to redefine their beach game this summer.
Bojack Horseman, A Beachside Bronco
No matter how often we view this image, it'll never fail to bring us giggles. Why? It could be the juxtaposition of the summer sun and the horsehead. A funny way to shield oneself from the sun's effects, the wearer of this headgear is likely having some fun too!
The United States Environmental Protection Agency advises against too much exposure to the sun and its UVB (Ultraviolet) Rays, which can cause skin aging, sunburns, snow blindness, and even skin cancers. So, when the summer comes around, we should all show off our sense of style, no matter how animalistic, and protect our skin like this gentleman!
What A Photogenic Tortoise!
This photo of a woman with a tortoise in tow is impressive! How she managed to get the gentle creature to "twin pose" for the perfect snapshot is a mystery, but she likely employed some delicious food as a motivator.
Tortoises are truly intriguing animals, though. They use their tiny Jacobson's organ inside their mouths to sense their surroundings; it's part of the olfactory system of amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. Plus, to know where they're originally from, you can look at the color of their shells. Lighter shells are a dead giveaway for tortoises from warm places like the Sahara Desert.
The Rudest Thank You Ever
On what was supposed to be the perfect beach day, one beachgoer got into a bit of a sticky situation. His friends decided to have a bit of fun and buried him up to his head in the sand. His unfortunate luck did not end there, as potato chips thrown at him attracted a flock of seagulls.
One of the birds used the beachgoer's head as a toilet, which could have been worse since his eyes and mouth were shielded. Though the predicament was unfortunate, the seagulls did not stick around long, as these feathered creatures can take off at up to 30 miles per hour.
It Seemed Like A Good Idea Until It Wasn't
It seemed like a day at the beach would be all fun and games for this poor woman until she decided to take her beach relaxation to the extreme by burying herself up to her neck. We know it seemed like a good idea at the time. But then, things took a turn after the waves came crashing dangerously close to her.
We hope someone hurried up to wake her before something terrible happened. Even though she looks peaceful and content in her resting state, we bet she couldn't even hear the sound of laughter from other beach-goers with that wave crashing on her face.
Being A Big Baby On The Beach
A baby elephant wiggled around on the beach's sand, laughing as he rolled around on his back. He kicked his trunk and flapped his ears to show everyone the fun he was having! Elephants are among the few animals on the planet with complex social structures, so it was no surprise that he was so playful!
Calves or baby elephants usually weigh between 200 and 250 pounds, but this one walked gracefully and silently through the sand despite its size. The gentle giants have been known to live up to 70 years, and this baby will likely live a long and healthy life! What a wonderful sight to see.
These People Aren't Missing This Landing
For beachgoers in the Caribbean, landing planes at Princess Juliana International Airport puts on a show like no other! With only 7,000 feet of runway, passengers and onlookers alike become witnesses to the remarkable sight of a plane coming dangerously close to the shoreline.
The unique experience of a low plane landing put this airport on Business Insider's list of The 10 Most Thrilling Airport Landings in 2011. Be it the awe-inspiring view or the almost hair-raising moment when wings almost seem to brush against the beach, the buzz created by flight arrivals is one that's not to be missed!
The Penguin Wedding We Never Knew We Needed
Talk about an unforgettable wedding—we can definitely vouch for this one! Stuffed penguins were brought to the beach to join in holy matrimony. The groom donned a tuxedo, the bride wore a veil, and the bridal team? They may have been stuffed, but the emotion in the air was tangible.
We would love to attend this ceremony if these adorable birds would have us. It's worth noting that a group of penguins in the water is known as a raft, but they're called a waddle on land. Penguins also love huddling together to defend against predators and keep warm.
The Only Captain We Need
Captain Woof, the golden retriever, seemed at home at the seashore. With his hat on and that net over his body, he was the perfect captain of his toy ship floating in the water. It was no surprise that Captain Woof was a natural on the water, as golden retrievers are good swimmers with strong webbed paws.
Besides their well-known skill at retrieving things, golden retrievers are also known for their good nature, intelligence, and loyalty. All this makes our Captain Woof the perfect sea commander! Fellow canines and humans must've admired him as he trotted proudly back to shore with his tail wagging.
Bringing Terror To The Beach
Two friends made a questionable decision as they posed for a picture at the beach. If this shot were from a horror movie, it would be the stuff of nightmares! These two should have been more mindful of the potential risks of the beach, though. What if a shark attack or a tsunami occurred while they were there?
Steven Spielberg's "Jaws" was a classic yet terrifying movie, and this picture somehow evokes memories of it. Despite the absurdity of this pose, people have done much worse for social media photos. Regardless, this image won't make many viewers feel warm and fuzzy.
The Best Human Surfboard To Exist
Down at the shoreline, a young man had dragged his friend along with him to take a crack at surfing. Feeling pretty confident with what he knew from previous attempts, he thought he'd switch things up and try something else. He lightly laid his friend across his stomach like a human surfboard and stood atop him with outstretched arms for balance.
If there was a representative from the International Surfing Association (ISA), they would've noticed these two and given them a spot in the tournament. The ISA World Championship Series finds athletes from all the continents to surf for their country and win gold.
Raccoons Are More Disciplined Than We Though
This photo may have just confirmed that a beach exists where all kinds of creatures, especially raccoons, are drawn into. This man appears to have enticed them into the water with delightful morsels when they usually feed on nuts, grasshoppers, acorns, and eggs.
Raccoons go by "Procyon lotor" in Latin and have astoundingly good etiquette as they usually clean their food before consuming it. These adorable animals don't actually wash their food in the traditional sense. What they do is they wet them with their paws before rubbing them against their fur. This helps remove dirt and gunk while increasing the raccoon's sense of smell.
A Photobombing Pup
Two women basking in the sun at the beach were surprised when a playful dog bounded across the sand and into their beach photo. Trying their best not to laugh, they held their poses, and the image quickly became a masterpiece, as it was a fittingly silly photobomb for the summer season.
Dogs have an incredibly advanced sense of smell, being able to detect 1,000 to 10,000 times more than humans, making them especially adept at finding their way through unfamiliar environments. No wonder this pup was able to find its way to the beach so quickly on this fine day!
This Makes For A Memorable Proposal
Angela has hit the jackpot when it comes to marriage proposals! Her lucky other half went all out, creating a beautiful design on the sand, which is impressive and one-of-a-kind! It takes an amazingly dedicated partner to craft a sand art masterpiece; we can practically hear her say yes from here!
Surely, this adorable couple must have taken lots of pictures to keep this special moment alive; we know we would. Time is of the essence here as the wind and waves could make sand art but a fleeting memory if they don't immortalize the moment immediately with their camera or phone.
A Beach-Loving Piggy
It's hard to believe, but Pig Beach is a real destination you can visit! Located just ten minutes away from Staniel Cay, the tiny uninhabited island of Big Major Cay has become a popular spot, thanks to its friendly inhabitants, a dozen pigs!
Some say these swine are the descendants of pigs who survived a shipwreck in the Exumas, while others suggest that two farmers moved the hogs there in the 1990s in preparation for a Y2K computer crash that never happened. Whatever their origin, these beach-loving animals provide a unique and memorable experience to all brave enough to dip with them!
Cats Don't Love Water
Cats and water just don't mix. Plenty of videos on the web of felines and bathtubs can attest to that. But what about the beach? Taking your furry friend to the shore will likely result in more of the same reaction, a total aversion to water.
One must look no further than their evolutionary history to see why this is the case. In their origin, cats always lived in dry, arid areas. On top of that, their superior sense of smell reveals the components within the ocean, further revealing their dislike of it. Feline friends and the sea are a combination not to be.
Feeling At Home By The Beach
Who knew you did not need to shop for wood and steel to make a couch? This genius proved to us that it can be done with just sand. The sofa is a work of art with its ornamentations, towels actually, and functional structure! Spending time at the beach with this comfortable and impressive sand structure is the perfect way to enjoy the ocean breeze without drifting away.
We would also love to enjoy a sweet nap out on the beach without a care in the world like this dude. Let's hope the ocean waves did not wash away his magnificent creation!
That Was The Wrong Move
Driving straight to the beach sounds like a vacation dream for many, but these three guys remind us of the potential danger of getting too close to the waters. An Off-Road Vehicle would be ideal for such a trip, not only for the terrain but also to ensure you follow the correct ORV guidelines, varying from beach to beach.
Mired in a pickle, these three guys clearly ignored these guidelines, which shows in their expressions of embarrassment and regret. To think of the phone call they had to make to the tow company for that "oops" moment is simply priceless!
Even Ponies Love The Beach
Assateague Island, located between Maryland and Virginia on the Delmarva Peninsula, is a 37-mile-long barrier island along the Atlantic Coast. The Assateague State Park in the Maryland section is a wild pony haven. They are uniquely accustomed to the island conditions and are smaller in size than usual.
Tourists find the equines a highlight of their visit, such as these two ponies resting in the shade of a beach umbrella and catching a snooze on the sand. The island is home to more than just the ponies: the 320 species of birds, shorebirds, waterbirds, and raptors make for a spectacular natural experience.
Beware Of Bird Burglers
By The Beach It was a disaster waiting to happen. Enjoying the sandy shoreline while consuming something tasty sends out a signal to all the creatures nearby that a potential snack is within reach. As if on cue, a seagull swoops in and steals this woman's sweet snack of a donut, and she was able to catch the moment with a perfectly-timed photo.
Seagulls possess extraordinary senses that allow them to detect food from up to three miles away. There are roughly 50 species of them, including the yellow-legged, herring, and little gull—all equipped with sensory nostrils to sniff out food to stay alive.
Sleeping By The Shore
Spending the day at the beach is an excellent way for people to relax and enjoy their free time. Europeans, in particular, popularized beach culture by using it to exercise in the mid-18th century; an appreciation of the beach as a leisurely activity that was driven further forward during the reign of King George IV.
This is not surprising, as just looking around reveals that today, people spend days relishing the beach. This person even brought their couch to make the most of the day. Whether you want to soak in the sun, enjoy a few outdoor activities with friends, or spend quality time alone, the beach has something for everyone.
When Nature And Comedy Combine
Spending time at the beach can be incredibly productive. Take this woman, for example. She is deep in concentration as she catches up on a great book, proving there's no better way to make the most of nature than having a good read. Why spend time hunched over a desk when you can access healing natural light and curl up with a page-turner?
Nature presents us with many soothing ways to be productive. Indulging in a novel or even a comedy, like what seems to be this woman's choice of material, makes for a pleasantly stimulating pastime, especially in this kind of setting.
Keep Calm And Pay First
This one particular business in an area known for roaring waves has taken quite an innovative approach to deal with potential disasters. They have hung a sign up for any and all who enter, reminding them to stay calm and, more importantly, settle their tab before making a dash for safety.
Tidal waves are awfully high waves that are initiated by high surface winds or events like earthquakes. The American Oceans website confirmed they are pretty hazardous, especially when they reach cities near seashores and beaches. That's how they cause severe damage to buildings that can't hold out against high winds.
Even Slippers Need To Be Secured Nowadays
It's a mystery that has been puzzling the coastal town for quite some time; who could possibly be stealing flip-flops? This footwear has become a symbol of summer, not to mention a reliable staple. Unfortunately, the comfort and convenience of wearing flip-flops have made them a target for theft.
Many found out the hard way that thievery knows no bounds, and desperate efforts were taken to prevent theft, with locks being placed on slippers before heading to the beach, but to no avail. With National Flip-Flop Day on the third Friday of June, the coastal town better uncover why anyone would be so bold as to steal them.
Playing Some Face Frisbee
The beach and Frisbees go hand-in-hand, as one woman found out the hard way. The iconic flying disc goes back to 1958 when Wham-O released it on the market. It was a hit from the start; by 1977, Wham-O had sold over 100 million Frisbees.
Mattel Toy Manufacturers bought ownership of the Frisbee in 1994, but there are around sixty other companies that make the toy nowadays. And despite the many options, the appeal of the Frisbee remains constant. Whether you are playing with an original or something from another manufacturer, the beach and Frisbee's enduring relationship will remain strong.
This Flotation Device Is Scandalous
The beach is a hub for all types of entertainment. Look at this guy having the time of his life out in the waters, and he is not alone! Instead of a typical floating device, he is with an inflatable doll. Well, at least he has something to accompany him during his jaunt in the sunny climes by the beach!
But before you judge, remember that inflatable doll marriages do exist. Although there is no legal recognition for such an unconventional union, there are some locations where they are socially acceptable. In Japan, for example, there is a growing trend of men marrying inflatable dolls.
All For The Perfect Shot
Beachgoers witnessed this peculiar sight when an individual ventured down to the shore to capture the perfect beach photo. The man crouched down to snap the ideal angle, unaware that the person behind them was documenting their outlandish actions.
In this age of chasing "Insta-worthy" moments, trying to create an exciting picture has become commonplace. If you want to take great photos, take this pointer from professional photographers. These folks love the last hour before dusk and the first hour after dawn. Dubbed "the golden hour" or "magic hour," these specific times deliver the perfect light for capturing captivating pictures.
Ouch! That's Got To Hurt!
Photos of people falling always make us laugh, and of course, you're not a terrible person for that. A picture like this of a beachgoer stumbling forward is the stuff of legends! While beaches are usually seen as a happy, fun place, there are moments of surprising danger. Sunburns, rashes, and sand-related injuries can all easily happen.
Another piece of advice we can give you is to watch for uneven terrain when running in the sand. As this poor beachgoer discovered, it can be a hazard to your safety and your dignity. Ultimately, it's best to be prepared for the unexpected!
Thou Shall Not Disturb Such Adorbleness
This seal has mastered the art of indulging in some self-care day at the beach. The animal relaxing on that lounge chair sends a clear message to humans: Let the sleeping mammal rest! With their graceful sunbathing, they relish their moments of rest, just like us.
Seals, the "clowns of the marine world," are incredibly buoyant and agile animals that seem to spend most of their days lounging. Yet, they constantly move to find food, mate, avoid predators, and molt. Some even have a reputation for their mischief, such as a particular elephant seal from New Zealand which was known to overturn parked vehicles.