Stand on Head or Water!
Standing on your head doing a headstand is something else, performing it on the surface of the water is another thing. These are tricks of the camera that never fails to amaze us. That's right she is not actually doing the headstand on water, she was taking a dive when the photographer clicked the photo.
Isn't that amazing? Both the photographer and the swimmer deserve equal praise for clicking the photo at the opportune moment.
The swimmer's hard work is evident from her sinewy frame and her athlete's posture. Swimmers have to train for hours to attain a certain level of physical fitness and also pay particular attention to the diet so that they remain fit and flexible in the years to come.
Weightlifting 'Cousin Itt'
Weightlifting is a very challenging sport that we bet is a good form of exercise, too. Just check out this girl who was candidly shot when she was just about to lift her barbell. Because of all that hair and sweat on her face, doesn't she remind you of the character Cousin Itt from the Adams Family?
The 'Risks' of Cheerleading
While cheerleading seems all fun and game till you realize it isn't! Things can change drastically from the rehearsals to the actual event. A case in point is this awkward photo, when the man in the picture is at the receiving end, from a misstep. The man has a tough time balancing her and his expression shows as much.
However, the man is trying his best to help the woman and cover up the faux pas. Also, he must be worried that a fall can also lead to injury. However, the contorted expression says a lot of things and he will have a good laugh or two later when he catches up with this hilarious photo.
So, whoever says cheerleading is easy, they don't know half of it!
Awkward Much?
Cheerleading besides boasting of some scintillating moments, what with flips and the smooth landings also boasts of several awkward moments. Something that picture suggests, is when these girls look up and what they see leave their mouths open. They look particularly horrified and we would want to know exactly what makes them feel the way they are feeling, on second thoughts though we'd rather not know.
Here's hoping, it is just a rehearsal and not the real event; because this may lead to many awkward photos and would be the butt of jokes of the others watching the girls.
If it is a rehearsal and not a real event; it is a clear lesson on when not to lookup?
Collision Equates Success?
Would you believe it when we say that a collision with a player led to the stupendously successful Dallas Cowboys cheerleader Melissa Kellerman? However, the look of complete shock and surprise has a completely different story to tell.
It is actually pretty awkward come to think of it and that bump also had her soaring the popularity charts. It was a game against the Miami Dolphins where Jason Witten veered off the pitch and had a collision with Kellerman. The only good point is that they got out of it unscathed, without any injuries.
However, that awkward photo will remain for posterity; the only saving grace of Melissa's career was none the worse for it, ditto with Jason Witten. They just need to shield their face every time they see the photo or maybe have a good laugh over it.
Celebrity Cheerleaders
The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders have been known for their superlative performances and gorgeous looks. They were so famous that they had an entirely new reality TV series showcasing their skills in 2006. They went through the entire process of auditioning until they were able to form a squad.
Their amazing performance earned them celebrity status. However, things are not as easy as they seem, after reaching a certain position in their career, they cannot afford to falter.
In fact, they have to work doubly hard to maintain their top position. The same could be said of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, they continued to woe the audience with their scintillating acts. Their agility, pleasing personalities, and gorgeous costumes are certainly worth the praise.
Fly High and Higher Still
There are cheerleaders who aren't just great cheerleaders but are great players as well. Yes, we so often go by face value and forget the fact that they are capable of so much more than what they portray.
Much like the cheerleader here, who apart from showing her flexibility skills as a cheerleader can do a pretty neat slam dunk herself. Haters may criticize her form and say it isn't copybook style as a professional player, but who cares as long as she is having fun and the spectators too consider it pretty cool.
Also, in most cases, it is the attitude that matters and she has that all right! Also, one wonders whether professional players can be as flexible as her?
For The Love of America
While all cheerleaders wear a certain type of uniform for their performance in the cheerleading squad, sometimes the squad members like to surprise their spectators. In one such instance, the Minnesota Vikings cheerleaders did just that catching the spectators with their surprise act. They chose to perform in their Halloween costumes.
Pam, one of the members of the cheerleading squad, was the surprise package as she wore the colors of the American flag, such as the red, white, and blue striped Wheres Waldo costume.
The change of costume added that zing thing to their performances. Their change of costume was also much talked about. Of course, their performance remained as good, it's just the costumed added a different dimension to the performance.
Emoji Party
Synchronized swimming is a very artistic and yet difficult sport, and those who excel in it deserve all the credit that they get. Just look at these girls - all are synchronized up to their facial expression. They look like your group of friends who see you talking to a boy who is totally not good for you.
Smiling Stunning Girls!
The Texas Christian University has onboard some gorgeous girls in their cheerleading team. These stunning girls are aligning perfectly like a flag of blonde brunette and blonde. Also, their enthusiasm seems infectious. They look happy as they pose and preen for the camera.
They look all coordinated thanks to their matching outfits, right from their matching outfits, to tattoos to pom poms. They look so alike that they almost look like sisters.
Such sisterly bonhomie spreads good cheer. We are sure players get all the encouragement they need from the cheerleaders and their performances reach the next level. We love how the blonde and the brunette beauties are coming together to uplift the flagging morale of a team. If the team's performance starts dipping, they have the cheerleaders to encourage them and pick up their performance.
Happiness After a Big Win
These Oregon cheerleaders are a picture of bonhomie. Their pretty smiles and their infectious energy make for a great photo-op. These girls are always in the best of moods; especially when their team is on the winning side.
Many rankings have placed the cheerleaders in the top slot as the hottest-looking cheerleading squad. The girls are really gorgeous. Add to that their bright and colorful outfits they can give any other cheerleading team a run for their skills.
Cheerleading isn't an easy job, they have to boost the morale of the players, even when the team is losing, they have to keep their smiles on! So, let's appreciate their efforts and encourage these girls so that they do even better!
Excited And Happy For The First Game
The cheerleaders in this photo look excited and how. And doesn't it look like a fun activity? But the girl in the center looks overly excited, maybe because it was her first performance on the team.
Her expression read as one of shocked surprise, almost as if she didn't believe that she would be part of the team. Those early butterflies in the stomach can actually help some people perform better.
Who knows with time, she can turn out to be one of the best cheerleaders on the team, thanks to her excitement levels and her eagerness to perform the best in the team. It makes for a fun photo though! The girls with her are putting up an invigorating performance too!
Ah-mazing Split!
We get it all cheerleaders are intrinsically flexible. But then not everyone can boast of a similar level of flexibility as the girl in the picture. She is splitting in the air, almost flying in the air. She is almost showing everyone, ' look folks I can fly.'
Also, one must appreciate the photographer in this regard. He has clicked at just the right moment before she lands back right on the ground. Kayla Wheatley is known all around the world for her cheerleading skills; she is also one of the most flexible ones in her team. Being a three-time national champion is no mean feat.
She deserves every bit of the praise that comes her way even more! Well, her popularity will be preserved for posterity, thanks to her exceptional skills.
He Comes In Peace
We wonder if Olympic swimmers are aware of the thousands of photographs which are taken of them at the oddest times. This swimmer looks like an alien taking a break from his UFO to do some laps. Got any insights about this photo? We'll leave it to your imagination and your online photography classes to top that snapshot.
Fingers For Lunch
We guess some athletes get caught up in the frenzy of the game and don't care if they invade each other's personal spaces. This guy is either a "hangry" zombie or his opponent just wanted to grab him by the mouth. From the looks of it, these athletes are very lucky that they have a doctor always on standby.
Oh No, He Didn't!
As much as this guy's fans are loving the first-hand experience they are getting with their favorite player, this professional basketball player seems like he was caught off-guard and was probably out for some vengeance on whoever pushed him. He should thank these guys for saving him from what could have been an even worse kind of accident.
Michelle & Her Balls
Former First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, appears like she has a thing for smacking some balls to keep her fitness intact. This picture showing the former first lady playing tennis can give a lot of people a good laugh. We think the best thing to say for now is—caption this, and don't pull any punches either.
Talk To The Foot
We're not certain if this was a photo from a football game or a scene from The Karate Kid. Only the strong and the brave can partake in this sport because athletes really get down and dirty. It looks painful for the guy on the left, but let's hope his helmet saved him from a stay in the hospital.
Limbo Rock
We can just hope and wish that this is an image of a guy playing Limbo Rock. He seemed like he had one of the worst days of his life because accidents in Track and Field can be so painful. Hopefully, he had a good health insurance that will help him pay for the treatments if ever he obtained any serious injuries.
Circus Freak
At first glance, you might think someone has a foot for a head. Well, look again. Gymnasts deserve so much credit for being able to make their body parts reach places that are normally unreachable. We wonder how many back crunches are included in her workout for her to be that flexible.
If you were the guy in the photo, we're sure you'd never want to show the picture to your kids or grandkids. Getting hit by a ball directly on your eye is both painful and embarrassing. He must have gone to the nearest hospital to see a doctor after this mishap.
Do It For The Gram
This one if the Instagram. It's obvious that things didn't go as planned and he was just seconds away from having a face to face session with the floor. Let's hope this biking accident of his would make him learn how to be more careful. Is there such a thing as a biker's insurance? Because he should have one.
The Time Of Her Life
Ho-ho-ho. It looks like Santa's wife came out to play this Christmas. We wonder if she willingly agreed to this move or was just peer-pressured into it. Hopefully, she didn't end up in any serious accident and just enjoyed the whole ride. Thank God she had stockings under her skirt because those kids watching wouldn't want to see a wardrobe malfunction.
Last-Minute Breakdancing
Riding animals can sometimes be fulfilling but it can also get out of hand. This girl probably didn't expect anything to happen when she first decided to participate in this event. She looks as if she was about to hit a breakdancing pose. Her mom should have her health insurance ready before any of this had happened.
Diving In
Diving into the water from your beach house or yacht is always a good idea, but we don't think diving into the water from a hurdle isn't the best of ideas. This man was probably thinking of what was for dinner because he wasn't able to fully focus on the obstacle in front of him. It's funny, but it's still an accident. Ouch!
Talk To The Lacrosse Stick
It appears that women don't really mind getting down and dirty while playing sports (though we wouldn't recommend this as your daily exercise). This girl wasn't thinking that she could probably send her opponent straight to the hospital. At least she made her kiss something that she truly loves.
The Winning Duckface
Admit it - once, you probably took a selfie while making a "duckface." This guy's fitness level must be really high for him to be involved in such a powerful sport. You can just see in his face how intensely he has got his head in the game. Definitely, this is an "Instagram-worthy" duckface shot.
Smile For The Selfie
Animal photography can get rather complicated at times because not all creatures will be tamed enough to pose for the camera. Lucky for these guys, this camel that they went up to probably had something good for lunch so he was in a good enough mood to smile for the camera with them.
When Intense Got Funny
Professional Olympic divers do not bother about how they look or the expression on their faces when they dive; the only thing that plays on their mind is how to win that medal! Their minds at that time are screaming go for the gold! We are sure the Chinese athlete Qin Kai echoes similar thoughts, at least his expression says as much.
A competitive sportsperson gives his/her everything when they play. They play with such intensity that sometimes their expression comes across as funny. Like in the case of Qin Kai.
We think even he will have a good laugh over this perfectly captured picture. But that drop looks pretty intense, we completely understand the sportsperson psyche and how they want to give their everything in order to win the highest medal.
Swim Like a Mermaid
Is that a human mermaid? No, it is just a cleverly-timed image! One look at that will make you think that the woman in the picture has an unnaturally extended body; a closer look will however reveal the true picture. That was actually another swimmer who is right behind the other swimmer. The makeup actually makes the swimmer look more like a mermaid than ever.
Synchronized swimmers are amazing performers; their skills will keep you riveted to their antics as they move in and out of the water, much like a mermaid would do.
So, if you are squinting your eyes, to find out whether you have just spotted a mythical creature, you need to relax! Because they are no one but skilled swimmers doing their best at what they do.
Caught on Camera!
Lebron James has been one of the most popular basketballers of all time. No wonder he is photographed all the time, the cons of being a big shot celebrity. But, look at him, in this photograph, he is seen digging gold in this photo and caught in the act by the camera. While this photo screams candid with a capital C, James must be livid looking at it later.
Poor him, he didn't even get to do it in peace. Well, we bet it's going to have any impact on the number of fans he has. Nose digger or not, nobody can take away the sheer talent this man possesses.
Once an NBA champion, always an NBA champion, even if he is caught on camera doing something as embarrassing as nose digging!
Ouch! It Hurts!
Spotting an NFL player from a distance is easy all thanks to their customers. They wear all kinds of costumes and protective gear. However much protective gear they wear, sometimes they can hardly protect themselves from a correctly aimed fast-moving ball.
You may have your shoulder pads, helmets, and knee pads on but what about the body parts that remain unprotected?
This player had it really bad and had to pay the price for not having enough protection on his groin area. Of course, this sport comes with its own share of risks and that is why they are paid an insane amount of money. It is a sort of insurance for the dangerous bends ahead. The photographer captures the scared expression of the player immaculately.
The Stunt Lands Wrong
What happens when a stunt goes all wrong? A look at this photo will give a perfect example of a stunt gone all wrong! Going by the look of the man's face the ill-timing of the stunt landed both of them in soup. Maybe he was supposed to catch the cheerleader as she flips.
The perfectly synchronized picture shows what can go wrong and gives us a sneak peek of a disaster looming large. We are hoping that the girl doesn't hurt herself with that awkward dip.
The man's face also shows a bit of a shock! Did he get hurt too? Ah, the things that a picture can reveal! It just goes to say no game is hundred percent safe, one has to be doubly careful to avoid freak accidents.
Unveiling The Magic of Dennis Rodman
Dennis Rodman was truly a world-class player and it was a treat to watch him on the court, unveiling his magic. A case in point, in this photo, Dennis while playing for the Chicago Bulls makes for a dive to catch a loose ball. Kudos to the photographer to catch him right in the act.
It is almost as if he is flying to catch the ball. He was so invested in the catch that he certainly didn't think of the consequences of the landing. He is one player who always listens to his instincts, if his brain says jump, he is not going to reason with it and stop from jumping.
He is widely famous for his defensive technique on the court for which he earned the name, The Worm. We are sure, eventually, he caught the ball.
The Weight Of It
That's not a pretty picture for sure, with the man contorting his facial muscles in various ways. He may have underestimated the cheerleader's weight or overestimated his own strength.
Well, now that he has her on his broad shoulders, he has to complete the task, come what may. It won't augur well if he decides to give up midway. He is also aware that every pair of eyes in the stadium are on him so he can't dislodge his burden, not by any yardstick.
However, light or heavy the guy must be ready to take the weight of any cheerleader. Well, he is supposed to do all the heavy lifting and can't bungle and mismanage in the middle of the task.
Tom Goofy Brady!
While most of us are big fans of the NFL and the players, we are more used to watching their intense side on the court, seldom do we see their goofy side. A player as popular as Tom Brady is a hot favorite of everyone, and it's pretty refreshing to see his goofy side. Tom led his team New England Patriots to many scintillating wins at the super bowl championships.
This was a game where he played against the Pittsburgh Steelers and he managed to steer his team to a big win! After that high-octane match, Brady must have felt relaxed and happy, thus he showed his goofy side to the crowd.
Or maybe he is waving to his wife Gisele Bundchen, who is sitting in the stand cheering him on! Whatever may be the reason, we love his goofy side!
The Screaming Match
If there was ever a screaming contest, we are sure this team would have won, hands down. There are some cheerleaders who are actually cheerful and there are some who can beat anyone with their cheerfulness and their enthusiasm.
One look at them would mean we surely want them in our team! They are extremely happy because the team they are representing has won. We don't blame them, if their team has won, they should be happy and express themselves too!
Their eyes do a stellar job of expressing their happiness. Again the photographer should be applauded for clicking them at the right moment. Here's to many more such wins and the cheerleaders expressing their happiness and joy like no tomorrow.
Saved By The Hand
We're not sure if the guy in the picture needed to go to the hospital after this, but he saved the little boy from what could have been a freak accident. He must have had superhero-like reflexes to actually get his arm in front of the kid before the baseball bat did some heavy damage. A personal injury lawyer among the crowd must have held his breath.
Man In The Mirror
It's inspiring for people who went to photography schools to see unique images, like this one, for example. We wonder if the guy really did this for the camera or was just doing his own thing. Hopefully, he got up properly and didn't just fall into the water after this photo was taken.
The Young & The Brave
We're sure at one point in your life, you dreamt of winning a race. This little girl seems like she has some dreams to catch because she fearlessly ran in front of a bike race. Her parents should have a personal injury lawyer on-call next time she does things like this. It's not mean feat to outrun bicycles though; probably a talent she can use to fill up her bank account later on.
What Goes Around, Comes Around
We often think some of the things we use in sports are all tried out and tested but somehow, the universe still begs to differ. It's either this guy's baseball bat wasn't sturdy enough, or whoever threw the ball had superhuman strength. Let's hope his face wasn't damaged by the bat for he might need to get plastic surgery to restore his rugged good looks.
Sucker Punched
High-intensity sports like Mixed Martial Arts can make people have the weirdest facial expressions when photographed at the right time. To show you what we mean, see this shot taken just right when the other girl made sure her opponent's face would be smashed by her punch. Notice that their hairstyle is matching, too!
Right In The Bum
We actually feel sorry for the guy in this photo because it sure looks like it hurt—a lot. He probably regrets getting himself into this brutal sport and wishes he was just at home watching some Netflix. After the ambulance brought him out of his misery, how many days do you think he was stuck in a wheelchair to recover from the piercing in the butt by the bull's horn?
David & Goliath
NBA has brought a lot of players big amounts of money. Most of these names that we cheer for in every game are all 6 footers who have model girlfriends and luxury cars. Size isn't always the basis of one's ability to excel in a given sports. Never let anyone tell you that you can't do a certain thing just because you're not like the others. Be proud, be unique.
Intensely Chinky
A lot of Asians dominate the game of Table Tennis. These players are so fast with their hands and reflexes that it makes you wonder what workout they do to achieve such skills. We don't think these players ever expect to look calm and pretty for these kinds of games can get very intense.
Casually Falling
People often have the weirdest of expressions during an accident. But this girl mastered the art of falling because she looks picture-perfect even if she was about to faceplant to the ground. Maybe she should start thinking of auditioning for a modeling show like America's Next Top Model.
The Baseball Matrix
Baseball, like a lot of other sports, is an excellent subject for photographers to practice flash photography. There's just something about capturing athletes at the height of their game. Just look at this guy - he almost looks like someone off the movie The Matrix. Hopefully, he stayed in that position and the ball just went over him.
The Hand-apult
Some of you may wonder if this guy had a doctor check his arm after this because something might be wrong. But don't worry, the athlete in this photo is 100% fine. He just possesses great flexibility and strength plus—he's probably double jointed. We're sure this guy has a bright career ahead of him.
Zombie Apocalypse
This player probably had his eye on the prize and didn't bother paying attention to the army of zombie-like fans behind him. Let's just hope he did take home the prize because an accident from being swarmed by his fans is the last thing he would want to happen.
Allergic To Balls
At first glance, you might focus solely on the guy who seems like he's imagining his worst enemy's face on the ball. But if you look closely, there is a guy that looks as if he just sneezed mid-game or actually just got hit pretty badly on the nose. Hopefully, a doctor came to his rescue right away.
Head To Toe
This guy on the left probably watched a lot of Dragonball or Shaolin Soccer because his facial expression shows how much he's in the game to win. Meanwhile, the guy on the right deserves credit for showing some Kung-Fu skills he must have been hiding for a long time already.
Nose To Nose
This man was probably in great pain just seconds after this photo was taken. We're not sure where his hands were, but what we do know is that he is supposed to catch the ball. We hope he had the money for plastic surgery because fixing his nose won't come cheap.
Goodbye Million Dollar Smile
Even if this is one of those photography shots that may look cool, the player in orange probably lost his front teeth just moments after this shot was taken (and before he went to the dentist). Soccer is another sport that can really get tough and dirty, so it's safe to assume that all athletes invest in an excellent health insurance or life insurance.
Piggy-back Ride
People always come up with new things or sports that sometimes would just make you wonder what really goes on in their heads. Just look at this guy who thought of joining a pig rodeo. Judging by the cameraman behind him, he probably made some money partaking in this.
Duckface Is Life
Yes, this was the guy from the previous photo that you just saw, but we just can't help but bring him back because of his winning duckface. The whole world of shot put should give this guy credit for looking effortlessly funny while keeping the intensity of the game.
You May Kiss The Ball
This girl should probably head to the doctor and get her eyes checked because it appears that she's not sure of where the ball is. We guess she hoped for it to land on her arm but the ball just wanted to come face to face with her. Thankfully, the balls in Volleyball aren't hard enough because her face could have been severely damaged and seen by a cosmetic surgeon.
Face Of A Champion
Nadal fans might have mixed feelings about this photo. Here, the tennis champ was captured making the most awful of faces, though fans might dismiss it and still think him cute. He can make all the faces he wants because with an estimated net worth of $31.5 million, looking neat and handsome would be the least of his concerns.
You Snooze, You Lose
It seems like the player in the photo has his mind elsewhere. This shot was right on time when the ball collided with the player's face. It must have hurt like crazy and we hope that the player was able to see a doctor right away and seek the necessary treatment. Brain injury must be covered by the team's insurance, right?
Water Bucket Hat
A lot of people love doing water photography - like taking a picture of someone flipping the hair out of the water or just splashing around with friends. This photo is so on point because it was taken just when this swimmer was about to catch his breath. It also seems like he's wearing a bucket hat fashioned from water.
It's A-Rod Magic
Alex A-Rod Rodriguez is a big name in the world of baseball and who has earned a ton of money in his bank account over the years. He has a superstar status, and this photo just shows how cool he is. Look at him toss the baseball in mid-air while looking like a true superstar that he is.
Next: Colleges and Universities Where You Can Meet the Smartest and Prettiest Girls!
University of Iowa
The University of Iowa can also be known as the university that has the prettiest students studying there, they have women from different parts of the world such as Latino, Hispanic Whites, Asians, African-Americans to Native Americans, not to forget women from mixed ethnicity too. Whichever part of the university you go to whether it is the cafeteria or the library, there will be many beautiful women being a sight for sore eyes,
Men don't need a good many reasons to join this institution in the first place! The male students needn't feel left out as they have been getting a fair bit of attention over the years for their looks. As soon as you enter the gates it's a university full of beautiful people!
Purdue University
Purdue University has students who are a rare combination of good looks and intellect. So, to club them as only beautiful and gorgeous students will be undermining their talent. The world at large is happy to box women under certain categories when it is not the case, there is so much to them than merely their looks.
Having said that, although their academic results are surely there to marvel at, it's an engineering college after all, but they are a pretty sight and those bevy of beauties are sure to take your breath away.
Penn State University
Penn State University is up there featuring a high attractiveness quotient and there are polls conducted that substantiate the very fact. The girls are big into sports, football being just one of them, their athletic frames may have something to do with it. But, flaunting a healthy lifestyle is also something they love to do apart from of course taking pains in notching up their academic excellence.
The girls also flaunt a Grecian lifestyle and it's the reason why the enthusiasm to join the university goes up every year. After all who wouldn't want to rub shoulders with girls who are beautiful, academically inclined, and interested in sports?
Oklahoma University
The University of Oklahoma is a public research university located in Norman, Oklahoma. It is said that the university has 29,705 students enrolled, and one of the distinctive features of this college is of course boast of beautiful women, in fact, they are the best ones you'll find in the state or in the whole country.
Although there may not be much diversity as far as ethnicity is concerned, still it seems to be one, however, what you will find is a deep interest in cheerleading and sports and girls show an active interest in participating in these two fields.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
There is no denying the fact that the University of Nebraska-Lincoln boasts of some of the best-looking girls in the United States. But with the reputation of having the best-looking girls in town there, there is a common stereotype going around in the country that Nebraska-Lincoln girls are more about beauty and less about brains. However, there is no truth to this statement, since they have been showing great success in the academic field too.
There are a large number of students who are lining up for the scholarship program too, so there is no dearth of brilliant students at the university. They may be pretty but they are certainly not dumb.
University of Colorado- Boulder
The University of Colorado is the hotshot destination for academic excellence and gorgeous beautiful women and you thought they are at the opposite end of the spectrum and never the two shall meet. The girls from Colorado are stunningly gorgeous but when you talk with them, you'll be surprisingly surprised that they can converse on a wide variety of topics and it varies from coding to politics.
The University of Colorado is the seat of beautiful and talented girls. And what's more, they are a pro at skiing too. In fact, the college has the best collegiate ski club in the entire country.
North Carolina State University
It is mostly men who enroll in the North Caroline State University cliched it as it may sound since it is an engineering college, mostly men enroll themselves in it. We are sure things are changing and women too are seeking admission to this college and breaking glass ceilings in the process. Not only are the women who are joining the University brainy but undeniably attractive too.
Although the ratio of boys to girls isn't equal by any standards so there finding s stiff competition, that is boys have to try extra hard to get the attention of the women. Striking up an interesting conversation with the girls is a good sport for the boys as they have to fight over each other to get themselves noticed.
University of Michigan
Don't expect the girls at the University of Michigan to wear cute outfits and break into a jig, mostly the girls are covered up in tracksuits since the weather there is mostly chilly.
But tracksuits or not, they paint a pretty picture and are supposed of the best-looking girls when compared to the other universities in the area. Legend has it that they are really great conversationalists and seems like most of the boys get tongue-tied talking to the girls of Michigan University, they not only know what they are saying but they can actually turn on their charm and magnify it to the next level.
University of Illinois
The University of Illinois is the place where not only would you find nerds but also potential fashionistas strutting their stuff on the campus like a pro. The kind of style they have can easily help them strut from the campus straight to the cover of Vogue. However, it would be doing a great disservice to their talent if we only focus on their beauty. They are super intelligent and their creativity is on another level.
The bottom line is whatever they do, they do it with a lot of alacrity and passion whether it is in sports, studies, or their creative streak. They are smart too and highly ambitious fixating their eyes on their career goals.
Duke University
One of the reasons that make girls choose Duke University is because the soccer star Morgan Reid is an alum here. Have you seen her? Well, she has been called The Hottest NCAA Athlete in the Country for nothing.
But she is not the only pinup girl out there, there are many more girls in the University who are not only pretty but pretty talented as well. The competition is heating up as Duke University's immediate competition The University of North Carolina is inching close to them. Well, as they say, a little bit of competition may not harm anyone.
Vanderbilt University
Vanderbilt University can be distinguished by the teeming attractive women, smartly dressed in football jerseys, and looking straight out of a sports magazine. They are smarter than your average college girl.
The students are not only pretty but they excel in whatever they attempt to do, whether it is sports or academics. However, if you are looking for diversity, then this is not your kind of university. That's the only con of the university, otherwise it Vanderbilt University's position is right up there with the other universities.
University of Utah
The University of Utah is a public research university in Salt Lake City, Utah, and the flagship institution of the Utah System of Higher Education. The University of Utah is jostling for primacy competing with the other universities that are known for their pretty female students.
Although the university is teeming with pretty girls they are not known to be very gregarious, they are more into concentrating on their religious practices, yes the Mormon girls are pretty serious about their practices. It does not take anything away from their beauty what's more it just makes them more intriguing, don't you think so?
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The girls at the University of North Carolina are simply stunning and we are sure there are countless boys trying to befriend the pretty girls of the great university. They are not just pretty girls they are great at academics too. It's safe to say their sartorial choices are as much in news as their academic excellence.
As far as their dressing is concerned, their powder blue embellished tops are quite eye-catching. Theor cheerleading squad is certainly known for their nimble footwork as much as their for their pretty clothes.
Michigan State University
The environment of Michigan State University is not all about academics, of course, academics is one part of it, there are so many things that the women enjoy sports, and creatives to name just a few. It just says that the women at the university enjoy life to the hilt.
Michigan girls know how to have a good time and whatever they do, be it competitive sports or academics, they just don't forget to have fun. They perhaps reiterate the fact that college days are indeed the best days and one should enjoy them to the hilt.
UNLV – University of Nevada – Las Vegas
Well, it is located in the party capital of the USA, yes we are talking about UNLV Paradise, Nevada, LA. Even if it is not the seat of academic excellence it is the place of a lot of extracurricular activities. That's just what makes people wonder about the girls at the university, they must be really pretty.
Well, they are certainly attractive, right from the stylish Asian ladies, punk chicks, and girls who can impress with their sophistication. They certainly make their presence felt with chutzpah. Sequinned crop tops with satin sleek pants certainly make a great combination to make
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle Pacific University is the hub of college movies and there are various reasons why it is the hub. It certainly helps the film directors that there is a 50 percent female population at the University of the Pacific, and it helps that it is sunny weather all through the year. Beautiful women and beautiful weather, are suddenly a deadly combination.
The next time you are doing a recce for a college-based movie and looking for stunning girls to make your monitor look pretty, ensure you give Seattle Pacific University all through the year.
Ohio State University
Ohio State University has plenty of attributes to boast of, it is not only the highest-ranked public University in Ohio but one of the largest universities in the country and it falls second to none other than Texas. Since it is one of the largest, what are the odds of finding more beautiful girls on the campus, seems like there is plenty.
The campus is always buzzing with activity which is a bonus and the perfect place to meet and greet plenty of good-looking women. Of course, it isn't going to be easy, but the effort you put in is going to be worth it.
University of Kentucky
The University of Kentucky has been the adult magazine’s go-to pick for choosing beautiful girls there, and why not Kentucky girls are said to be the hub of the most beautiful girls in the area.
The girls in the university love playing basketball too. The basketball tournaments held there ate certainly are certainly one of the most exciting places to go if you love sports and love watching the girls play and flaunt their sporting spirit. It is certainly a fun place to be.
University of Wisconsin
The State University of Wisconsin is located in Madison. The University is enjoying a place under the sun, because of the many pretty girls. However, Wisconsin is not only known for the University but it is also a place to get a variety of cheeses. Is it the cheese that makes the girls look so pretty? Certainly, a point to mull over.
When the girls from the State University of Wisconsin walk down the road wearing their customary uniform of white tees and red shorts, well people have to stop and stare! They are certainly a sight for sore eyes.
Ole Miss – University of Mississippi
Ole Miss is a rare university where they not only have academic excellence to boast of, but they are equally good in sports and fun. Despite the population of males and females being skewed the students make it a point that there is someone for them.
The Grove in the university is the hub of the university where students come together to discuss all things topical. This is also exactly the place where girls gather to chill if you ever want to ask out girls, then this place is the safest bet.
University of South Florida
The University of South Florida is said to be one of the top 10 largest colleges in the country. Since Florida has a large student population, it makes it to the top 10 list, securing the 9th position.
Why do students love to flock to the university, perhaps it is the sunny weather and bright blue skies? The girls also get to flaunt their sun-kissed complexion. When the weather is so good, it certainly makes it the party zone. Bright skies, sunny weather, and a flirty breeze make for a great party atmosphere.
University of Washington
Students who aren't too fond of concrete jungles and love nature prefer the University of Washington since it promises all this and more. The wonderful ambiance lent by the nature invigorates the students to focus more on studies and generally do well in life.
Also, you get to see the beautiful Mt. Ranier right from the campus grounds. Located right on the edge of Portage and Union Bays it makes for a stunning locale. A walk around the beautiful grounds of the university acts as a great motivating force for the students and begins their day on the right note.
University of Alabama
As soon as you hear the name Alabama, it will remind you of the film Sweet Home Alabama! Well, this university also reminds you of typical southern America.
The students have in them a streak of athleticism and they have a stunning bodies. The girls love to strut their way around the campus putting on glitzy outfits like the one here, red, sequined, and glamorous. They seem like the perfect examples of women moving right out of a fashion magazine. That bevy of beauties certainly knows how to turn on their charm.
University of Miami
Miami in Florida is the best place to enjoy a lot of sunshine, and take beautiful girls for dates in picturesque places. Miami is certainly one of the best places to go to, especially if you truly want to enjoy uni life.
Boys are in luck as they can take their girlfriends to enjoy the beautiful hotspots of Miami. Also, it seems bronzed bodies and fashionable clothes are certainly a thing in this place. Here's a sneak peek of what follows in the university, well you certainly have to bring your fashion A-game on to the university.
University of Kansas
Kansas is not just a city of flyovers, there are just so many things about Kansas that you simply cannot ignore. It has some of the most stunning cities and the weather is simply gorgeous, where you get the best of the summer and winter seasons.
Apart from the fact that it is an A-grade university, where the girls can throw mean slam dunks on the basketball court and give the boys stiff competition in the game. The girls are also gorgeous and go about flaunting their boho chic avatar wherever they go.
Clemson University
There is no doubt about the fact that the south is truly beautiful. When we say the South is beautiful we don't mean the beauty of the places only the girls from Clemson University can give a run for the beauty of most other girls from the university.
The cheerleaders from the university are at the top of the game as far as their fitness is concerned. There is a rumor that there are many boys who flock to the university during the summer season and one of the reasons may have been how the girls come out looking exceptionally pretty in their gorgeous dresses.
University of California, Berkeley
California boasts of a lot of diversity right from the Mojave Desert, to the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and of course who would forget the beautiful beaches? The Western state also has some of the best universities is the University of California, in Berkeley!
Yes, there are several dedicated students roaming the grounds of the expansive university. However, while academics are their forte, there have been stars like Allison Stokke who hail from none other than the Berkley campus. WEho wouldn't want to hot nob with the best of the best?
University of Arkansas
The University of Arkansas is a much sought-after university as it offers many public land-grand research programs in various fields, it helps that it has the addition biggest uni in Arkansas! You'll be spoiled for choice when it comes to the number of programs it offers.
It has a number of girls on the cheerleading team who are not only pretty but fashionable too. The girls in the photo here look fresh-faced and bright clad in red and white outfits. They seem ready to knock the socks out of their competitor in the game they are going to play.
University of Texas
If the beauty of the cheerleaders from the University of Texas is anything to go by they are certainly one of the most pretty girls in the entire country. There is a thing about girls hailing from the South, they seem to be the prettiest.
But if you thought it is all about looks, you cannot be further from the truth, they are academically inclined too and vow to win every game they play. Yes, they are an enthusiastic bunch and ensure that they excel in every field they undertake.
University of Oregon
Oregon University is exactly as the colors they sport vibrant and gorgeous! Also, it's a university where the girls and boys are the fittest and they participate in every game they can think of living up to the title of the healthiest students in the state.
The students are inclined toward sports and fitness perhaps because of the picturesque setting. It is ensconced in the Willamette Valley. The students can throw their windows open in the morning and a beautiful sight greets them in the morning. No wonder they find the enthusiasm to do well in their Uni life!
Louisiana State University
Ever heard LSU girl groups speak? Their accents have the power to turn many faces. One look at the cheerleaders and marching bands among them and you'll know why they earn laurels! Simply moving around the campus, you might chance upon several attractive women.
If your heart has started beating faster, there's every reason for it. Whether you move around the beautiful Louisiana campus in the winters or simply enjoy the summer breeze casually, there's no way you will not find the bevy of beauties around. And it makes sense you approach them.
University of Georgia
When beauty comes with responsible behavior, you wouldn't crave anything else! But finding such people on campus is almost next to impossible. Anybody would say so till they visit the University of Georgia. Apart from the multiple factors that make these girls unique, they're quite proud of how they appear. And that feeling is justified.
What makes them stand out is simply how open-minded and liberal they are in their thought processes. They know how to take a stand for what's right. So they indeed deserve the brownie points for doing justice to their beautiful looks.
Auburn University
The energy of the student crowd at Auburn University is too infectious! Look around and you'll have no dearth of the varieties of women on campus. We bet you'll be spoilt for choice! All over the world, people praise the institution's Sorority girls for their looks. Also, cheerleaders are equally talented and delve considerable time into self-pampering.
One trait that inspires several folks globally is how Auburn ladies know how to keep their focus in full gear while they work out. Fitness is of paramount importance to them. So be certain you'll find the best package when you come here.
University of California, Los Angeles
UCLA is famous for the quality of education it dispenses worldwide. But did anyone tell you that the university is equally renowned for its women folk? Some of the most breathtakingly beautiful ladies abound in LA, so it's no surprise that many end up here.
Move around the place and you're bound to feel a degree or two hotter amidst such gorgeous beauties. You better not forget it is after all Los Angeles! These women pay substantial importance to their health and fitness, so don't be surprised if you find many thronging the gym in large numbers.
University of South Carolina
South Carolina University stays at the top of the league of the prestige it has acquired over the years. If this isn't known, then there are quite a several ‘distinguished' women who can be spotted from afar. Their tanned skin and blonde hair are the initial signs that help you gauge these Southern girl gangs, effortlessly.
Pretty as the picture that they are, these radiant women make the campus come to life! So the next time you visit the campus, there's every possibility that you might fall for any cute lady.
University of Arizona
Arizona University women personify gorgeousness to the core! And till the time you see them, you wouldn't believe this. Whether it's the climate that makes them so stunning or because they have amazing clothing styles - but they are naturally alluring and there's no denying it.
There's no blaming the boys in this university if they fail to focus or encounter difficulties in any of their academic and non-academic work. The only way to work through such difficulties is to act tough and complete graduation, retaining their honors. Oh yes, of course, finding their dream girl too!
University of Florida
The last time anyone passed by the campus, they can confidently say, they spotted some good-looking women. The much-revered university is home to every student from all over the world, and naturally, you would find a blend of beauties. From grace to cosmopolitan diversity - there's everything that Florida University has.
Women here look quite cute in their sports outfits, as much as their casual wear or while they don stylish attire. So whether they're dolled up for prom night or representing their departments in a sports event, boys must remain extra careful to prevent their hearts from getting stolen.
Florida State University
No one's sure if the weather is to be blamed or if is it because the girls of the university have soared the temperature in this place. Let's just say it's the latter! If you have a tough time believing, then here's a small suggestion - visit the campus and you might just get by Cupid!
The sportswomen of the campus look 'ultra' modern and ravishing. Their talents are hard to ignore. So having the best of both worlds is certainly no easy thing. And when blessed with a rare combination of looks and skills - imagine what you would be missing out on, if you don't pay a visit even once?
University of Southern California
Blame your luck if you can't pick out any ONE girl who won your heart when you landed at the University of Southern California. This term ‘beauty with brains' came for a purpose and the respected campus does justice to it, in every way. The university takes pride in having the best cheerleading girl squad and there's no defeating them on this ground!
Place a list of attributes and (most) ladies of this university will tick off every box. You might find them dressed not only prim and proper but conduct themselves equally responsibly and exude impressively and learned vibes. So what are you waiting for?
Arizona State University
Without a doubt, Arizona State University bags the first position for housing the best-looking women in the student body. There has been considerable research about this, and hands down, the university pupils have won all the segments of beauty.
It is not uncommon to find several women from this campus working as reputed models, walking on the ramps, or featuring on cover pages of magazines and web portals. You need to look at any one of them here and then you would probably agree how deserving she is of the accolade! Having this bevy of beauties around is akin to a treat.